Chapter 4: Judgement Day

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IVORY'S words echoed in my head.

"Want to be allies?" "Want to be allies?"

Olive had spoken for the both of us and said yes. I wasn't so sure, though. I kept a close eye on her and she didn't seem very skilled. I thought she would just slow us down. I really don't want to have any allies, either. I know I should have people to work with in the games, but honestly, I would rather work alone. People slow you down. I already know Olive will, and I don't want to have to deal with Ivory, too.

I don't know how old Ivory is, but figuring she hasn't shown much knowledge on survival and she was looking for allies before even her mentors could, she must be young. She doesn't want to go into the Cornucopia alone. She looked young, too. She definitely isn't my age, that's for sure. I feel bad for her, having to face death before life has even begun.

My thoughts were interrupted by Effie. "Lilac. Lilac!"
    "W-What?" I stutter.
    "Good, you're alive. For a second there I thought you passed out!" Effie laughs and looks to Haymitch for reassurance. He gives her a smile to humor her, even though no one really found the joke funny.

I'm sitting at the table with a fork in my hand and it's stabbing at a plate full of food. Olive is sitting next to me, as usual.
"Girls, today is a very important day!" Effie sings. "Today you will be presenting your talent before the game makers so they can judge you!"
    "Goodie!" I cheer, sarcastically, and Olive hits my shin with her foot under the table as if to tell me to play nice.
    "Okay, enough eating! Go get ready, you can't mess this up!" Effie says. She shoos us away and a pair of avoxes come to collect our plates.

After Olive and I get ready, we head to the elevator and go down to the training room. Just outside are chairs set up for all the districts' tributes to sit in. We sit in the back row labeled "District 12."

After a couple hours, it's finally our turn. The loudspeaker turns on and says:
"Olive Oil, District 12"

"Good luck," I say as Olive gets up.

It's just us left in the room since we are the last district to be called, so I kick the back of her knees, making her stumble a bit. She turns around giggling and blows me a kiss. I start to laugh along with her.
It still feels good to laugh with my best friend, despite the circumstances. I thought after we got reaped, we would be miserable. But I could never be miserable with Olive, she brings joy with her wherever she goes.

Olive comes out minutes later and winks at me as she leaves. I'm the last one in the room and I wait for the loudspeaker.
"Lilac Everdeen, District 12"

I enter the training room and the game makers are sitting up on a stage, eating and laughing. Nerves take over my body and I can't think straight. I don't know what's happening. It takes a lot to rattle me, but something in the way these Capitol people looked at me just left me motionless. My life is practically in their hands. If they like what they see and give me a good score, that could get the attention of some sponsors in the games.

Desperate and scared, I look around the room. Knives, spears, weights, and targets everywhere. I frantically pick up a knife and try throwing it at a dummy. It sticks and I'm relieved, but the men up on the balcony don't look impressed. This time I grab a spear and launch it at a target hanging from the ceiling. 3 times I threw those dumb spears and couldn't hit a single thing.

I look up at the balcony, and I can tell I've lost the attention of almost everyone up there. Everyone except for one man. He looks at me with deep thought.
"I'm sorry," I call up to him. "I'm not trained in any of these weapons."
    "What exactly are you trained in?" he says, shifting his weight around in the chair.

He waves his hand and a door opens. A worker rolls a display out to the center of the floor. In the middle, a gorgeous silver bow sits in all its glory. Surrounding it are matching silver arrows and a grey quiver.
"Have at it," the man says and gets up to join the others around the spread of food behind them.

I walk up to the display, and as soon as my fingers touch the bow the whole gym starts to turn into the familiar woods back in District 12. Behind me, the loud chirps of a bird taunt me. I load an arrow and let it soar, straight through its eye. Next to fall is a squirrel, perched in a tree. Two for two. Finally, a large buck catches my attention, but even he is no match for me and my bow.

As the buck falls, the trees melt into pillars, and the dead animals transform back into motionless targets. Each one with a silver arrow lodged directly in the center.

I turned back to the balcony, where the same man who gave me this magnificent bow now stood, surrounded by the other judges. Some clapped while others just nodded in approval, and I knew I had made the impression I needed to make.

*   *   *

Back at the penthouse, we turn on the T.V. and watch to see what ratings we got. Caesar starts off, "As you know, the tributes have been evaluated for the last three days and are now being rated on a scale from 1-12. . ."

As the tributes are being shown on the screen, the only people that caught my eye were the careers from 2 and 4, and Ivory.
"Iris Caesar, District 1... a 10,"
"Astraea Kellet, District 1... an 8."
"Venus Kentwell, District 2... an 11."
"Phoenix Kentwell, District 2... an 11."
"Gem Amberjack, District 4... a 9."
"Sapphire O'Rorke, District 4... a 10."
"Ivory Venice, District 8... a 4."

I knew she was useless.

Finally, it was our turn.
"Olive Oil, District 12... a 7."

I hug Olive tight and congratulate her. A 7's high and I'm proud of her.

"Lilac Everdeen, District 12... a 10."

I was flushed. I couldn't believe I got such a high score. I was so happy and Effie started dancing and Olive was hugging me so hard I couldn't breathe. Even Haymitch was out of his seat.

"Well, those careers better watch their backs 'cause with two scores like those, District 12 is here to give them a run for their money!" he says and takes another swig from his flask.

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