Chapter 5: Game Time

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I toss and turn upon the soft comforter, but can't seem to get myself back to sleep. I look to the window and gaze at the early morning sun, barely peeking its face over the horizon. Three days of training, and finally the day we have all been dreading is upon us. Today, the Hunger Games begin. I can't believe this. My mind can hardly process it. Starting today, I will spend the next week or two in an arena, specifically designed to catch every moment as the other tributes and I fight to the death and try to rip each other apart. I try to cherish every moment in this bed, basking in the soft glow of the sunrise. Looking down at the empty Capitol, the world seems so peaceful. Everyone is still asleep, the streets are barren, and apart from the occasional lonesome peacekeeper, not a single soul roams this city. In the silence, a faint sob catches my attention. I walk into Olive's room and she's having a breakdown. I sit next to her and hold her in my arms.

"Shh," I console her. Olive is crying uncontrollably and I don't know what to do. She has always been so happy, it seemed unnatural to see the salty tears flow down her cheeks.
"I-I can't b-believe this is h-happening," Olive stutters.
"I know, I know," I calmly say.
"I'll-I'll never make it."
"Yes you will. I won't allow you to die."
"Only one comes out, Lilac," Olive cries.
"And it will be you," I say in the reassuring tone my mother used to use when I was a little girl, and came home with a scraped knee or bruised arm from playing at school. Of course what Olive is going through now pales in comparison with a recess accident. It's killing me. I love her so much and the thought of losing Olive to the games tears me up inside. I can see it's already tearing her up.

The sun has fully risen, and Effie walks in. "Girls, time to get ready!"

I shush Effie and she finally takes a hint. Effie comes to me and whispers in my ear, "Romeo will take you now."

Romeo's my stylist so I nodded my head and turned to Olive.

"You're okay. I have to go now, I'll see you later," I say and kiss her head before leaving.

* * *

"You're gonna do great," Romeo says in the flamboyant accent he always uses.
"That's what you say to everyone and they always die anyway," I snap back.
Romeo sighs, "I can only say so much."
"Yeah, well. What more can you say when you send kids off to their death, huh?"
"Not much. Most kids are crying by this point. You're tough," he replies.
"I have to be. For my sisters, and for Olive," I say.
"Olive's a doll. Not much of a fighter, though," Romeo says. I feel the need to argue and stand up for her, but it's true. Honestly, it's one of things I like about her.
"She is. But I love her and. . . I'm gonna win. . . for her," I reply.
Romeo looks confused. "So you mean to tell me that in a game where only one person survives, you want to win for Olive?"
"Of course. She's my best friend," I reply, now being equally confused as him.
"Well, all I'm saying is that if you really wanted to do something for Olive, you would keep her alive long enough for her to win. Perhaps you're really doing it for someone else. Maybe someone back home."

I haven't thought of it like that. Maybe, deep down I do want to win for myself. I mean, it would be a major financial boost for my family, and it would be nice to finally get some respect from those uptight Capitol big shots. I would prove to them that the people of District 12 are more than just the dirt they kick under their shoes. I think to myself, "Was Olive really just a moral cover story I used to avoid the inevitable?"

Just then the audio speaker chimes in:
"40 seconds til tube launch"

Romeo leads me to the tube and my breath quickens. My heart begins to beat faster, and my face is damp with sweat.

"30 seconds til tube launch"

I hug Romeo so tight and hard. I haven't known him for more than a few days, but in those few days, him and the rest of his team have made me beautiful in the eyes of the Capitol. He's even managed to change my appearance in my own eyes.

"Thank you," I whisper and his grip on me becomes mutually tight.
"Go get 'em," he whispers back.

"20 seconds til tube launch"

I couldn't move. I didn't want to. Romeo pulls back, takes one last look at me and then nods toward the tube.

"10 seconds til tube launch"

He gives me a little push and I step in. My breath started shaking and my eyes widened. I stared at Romeo and didn't take my eyes off him the entire way up the tube. Before I knew it, I was standing on my platform. I looked ahead of me and there it was, the Cornucopia. I scanned all the tributes to look for Olive, but I couldn't find her.

The tribute next to me leans over and whispers:
"Don't run into the center, run into the woods. We all team up and we have a better chance of taking on the careers. Pass the message on."

I look next to me and it's a career. I can't tell them the plan. Worst of all, it's Venus, the deadliest career. Next to Venus was Olive. How was I gonna tell Olive the plan without triggering the wrath of Venus?

The countdown begins: 10, 9, 8...

The games were starting and I was trapped in turmoil. What do I do? If I follow the plan and team up with the other tributes, I could stand a better chance of winning. But what if I was being lied to? Should I risk going through the Hunger Games without any supplies?

7, 6, 5...

I spot Ivory on the other side of the Cornucopia, but she doesn't see me. The way her feet are positioned, she will be running to the middle. But as I look around the circle, most girls are facing the woods. They're going to run without even looking back. Taking a leap of faith, I turn my back on the Cornucopia.

4, 3, 2, 1

The horn sounds.

The Hunger Games: Bad BeginningsWhere stories live. Discover now