Chapter 1

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Ash RUN!!!!
Those were the last words my mother said to me before she was killed by a hunter you're probably wondering how I got here well let me tell you but before I tell you how rude of me not introducing myself hello my name is Asher love but my family and pack call me ash for short I just turned 16 about 3 days ago and today I was supposed to become alpha of the blue moon pack now let me tell you about what's going on.

Early morning
Asher's POV 
RINGGG RINGGG! "Ughh" I groan as I slam my fist onto my alarm clock and it breaks instantly

'well there goes another one good job ash' my wolf Felix says (I know it's weird a girl with a male wolf but it would make sense as you should know I'm not just a normal girl I'm intersex and I'm pretty sure you know what that is)

'I know I know now I have to tell mom to get me a new one great' I face palm myself knowing my mother was already mad when I broke that last one because she's bought me so many and now she'll have to buy me another one.

"ASHHHH!!!" My mom yells from downstairs yelling my name the hundredth time to wake me up because I have school and I'm about to be late "I'm up mom!! Just give me a few minutes I have to take a shower!"

I'm on my way to the shower when I slip on my shirt I took off last night after I fall I can hear Felix laughing his ass off 'stop laughing it wasn't that funny dummy' I growl playfully 'I'm not going to lie ash it was pretty funny now wasn't it?' Felix says while still laughing 'yea it kinda was' I start laughing because it was pretty funny.

I get up and take a shower which only took me 10 minutes I get out and pick out what to wear I picked out black pants a black plain T-shirt and a black jacket I know you're probably wondering why all black? Well my favorite color is black as I run down the stairs I trip and fall again 'what is up with me falling so much today geez' I groan as I get up and hear my mom laughing because she seen the whole thing.

I walk to the kitchen and see a plate full of bacon,eggs, and sausage on the table and an apple juice next to it "thanks mom" I smile at her and give her a kiss on the cheek she smiles and says "you're welcome now eat fast because you're about to be late you only have 10 minutes" I thought she was kidding until I looked at my watch which read 7:20 "oh crap" I quickly sit down and start eating really fast after I take the last bite I try and down it with apple juice but that just made me choke
'slow down ash we still have like 7 minutes chill' .

I was to busy chocking that I didn't hear my mother laughing "ok mom well I'm gonna go I'll see you later love you!" I say while running to my car listen it's not the best car but it's still a car it only matters as long as I get to point A to point B.

On my way to school I decided to turn on my Bluetooth and connect my phone I start playing music and turn it up on high volume the song I was listening to was blueberry faygo by lil mosey I get to school and step out letting my music blare out of my car I smirk as I can feel all eyes on me "dude you do this every time you get to school pup" my best friend Shay says, Shay isn't a werewolf like me she's a wereleopard but she's still my best friend we grew up together.

Me and Shay start to walk to the school entrance "hey so when are you supposed to become alpha?" I smile at her"umm well my mom said today after school she wants to have like a celebration and then I'll be introduced as the new alpha" Shay nods her head and we walk right into the hallway and all eyes go on us as always I smirk and Shay rolls her eyes because it's the same thing every time we get to school "this happens everyday and you always have that stupid smirk on your face pup why?" I look at her and smile "well because it's funny to me and besides now that I'm 16 I can probably look for my mate"

I can feel Felix become happy about our mate 'you think she's here? Like in this school ash?'
'I don't know Felix but I hope we find her soon' I get lost into my thoughts just thinking of our mate the person I'll love and cherish I didn't notice Shay waving her hand in my face until she punched my shoulder hard

"Ow what the hell was that for??"
"I was trying to get your attention pup but you weren't listening and it looked like you were thinking to hard and I wanted to tell you something" she might not look strong but damn does she have one hell of a punch.
"Well what is it cub?" The look Shay gave me kinda scared me "Pup I have a bad feeling about today" all of a sudden she became  stiff and tense 'oh god she's having a vision' Felix says (I forgot to say Shay also has like a special power that she can see visions oops my bad sorry about that).
       Hello there! This is my first book I hope you guys like it please bare with me here I was a little nervous doing my first book but I hope it's good haha but thank you for taking your time to actually read my book it means the world to me!❤️

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