Chapter 4

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Asher's POV
While eating in the restaurant Shay started to become tense and starts to have a vision. While in her vision she starts shaking this time I quickly grab her hand and take her to the bathroom I lock the door and try and calm her down "Shay just breath calm down please" she finally becomes relaxed and she has a smile on her face. Huh? That's weird "why are you smiling?" She looks at me and just starts to laugh "what? What's so funny I wanna know" she finally stops laughing "sorry pup this I can't tell you this is for you to wait for but trust me it's really good" I really wanted to know 😩.

We finally pay and leave the restaurant and start walking around "it's getting late cub where are we going to stay?" She grabs her phone and turns to me "well pup you remember that one pack member that left to go to college a few months ago, what was his name again?......oh um Alex or max I don't know I totally forgot but before he left your mom told him everything and if the hunters ever attacked we would come here and stay with him" we start walking and on our way there someone yells our names "ash! Shay!" Shay quickly moves me behind her and is about to shift when we realize it's just max "oh hey max" I wave at him.

"Dude next time call me you scared me" max starts laughing and then gets serious "wait what are you guys doing here? Did the hunters attack?" He asks worried "yes they did but don't worry your mother and siblings made it to the panic room" he sighs in relief and then looks at me " what about Luna love did she make it to the panic room" at this point tears sting my eyes and they start to fall "unfortunately no she didn't but she made sure all mothers and children made it, sadly her heart gave out after a hunter stabbed her" max quickly runs up to me and gives me a tight hug "I'm so sorry Asher I know you loved her so much but I actually have something she wanted me to give you if the hunters ever attacked" I rub my eyes and look at him confused "what was it?" He looks around "I can't show you here but let's go back to my place well now it's gonna be our place right roomies!!" He has a big smile which makes me smile "yea sure why not roomie" we start walking to Max's house.
20 minutes later

'Hey ash'

'Yes Felix? What's up?'

'I have a joke'

'Ok let me hear it I love jokes'

'Why do we tell actors to break a leg?'

'Hmm I don't know Felix'

'Because every play has a cast' Felix starts laughing

'Oh my god Felix that was so dumb but really funny'

I start laughing and Shay and max look at me like I'm crazy. I wipe the tears from my eyes from laughing to much "Felix told me a joke that's why I'm good guys" they both look at each other and back at me "can we hear it?" Max says "sure why not" max opens his door to his house and we walk in and sit on the couch "why do we tell actors to break a leg?" They think for a while.

"I dunno ash why?" Shay says

"Ooooo wait I think I have the answer..... never mind it wasn't that funny but why?" Max says

"Because every play has a cast" I start laughing and see Shay shaking her head with a smile on her face and max laughing so hard his face turning red.

We've been here for at least 3 hours and it barely 4:30 pm I'm bored and max and Shay have been "talking" their words not mine but to be honest it just seems like Shay has finally found her mate. Which I'm happy for her she finally found her soulmate they're trying to hide it from me as if I don't know already but yea they went to talk in Max's room while I stay here watching tv in my new room it's actually pretty big it's in the basement but it's perfect🥰. I'm starting to get hungry.

Shay's POV
I know ash knows about me and max I just feel awkward telling her about it I don't feel awkward I just feel bad like she's been looking for her mate and has been so happy hopefully she'll meet her soon. Currently me and max are talking about the attack and about what ash is " it's just crazy I'm tired but I can't sleep I can't just sleep cause what if they find us? What if something happens? I can't lose her" max quickly hugs me "it's ok my beautiful mate she'll be ok she's strong but I just have one question" I look at him confused "alright hit me with it"
"Her mother told me that she could have powers she never told me what kind of powers but just that she had powers is it true?" Now that I think about it maybe that was what she was going to tell me "I didn't even know her mom never told me she was supposed to tell me something but I never got to know" just thinking about her mother makes me sad poor ash just lost her mother and never had a father.

A few moments later I hear a knock on the door "are you guys done making out? Cause I'm hungry" I start laughing and see max blush. Aww how cute "you can come in ash we haven't even done anything but just talk" she opens the door a little and peeps her head in "ok good you guys have clothes on" she smirks and starts laughing as max turns into a tomato red.
"Ash stop it because I don't know if max can turn even more redder than that" I giggle. I get up from the bed and walk over to ash "so your hungry again?" She looks at me with a funny look "yea I'm getting hungry and staying in my room won't do no good" I look at max "do you know any good places to eat?" He think for a second "actually yea I do there's this new taco truck that just opened you guys wanna try it with me?" I look at ash to see if she's ok with it "yes max me and your mate would love to eat at this new taco truck" she smirks as max becomes wide-eyed. Oh god what am I gonna do with her🤦🏽‍♀️.

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