Chapter 3

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Ashers POV
I'm tired and hungry we've been running for 3 hours 'felix where are we?' Ughhh I'm so bored 'I have no idea ash I can ask Shay just give me a moment' a few minutes pass ' well ash it seems we've made it to Arizona' dang we are a long way from home.....home where my mother was I miss her so much my heart is aching so bad I just want to lay down and cry but I can't. What am I going to do now? I have no home, no car or anything.....seems like we're going to have to start over.

Felix's POV :)
Everything hurts but I made a promise to protect Asher I can't stop now cause then they will find us. You're probably wondering who is they well the hunters they want ash to keep her as a weapon ash may not understand but I'll protect her until I die like Shay said ash is not only a werewolf but she's much more than that she's a hybrid of not only a vampire but a demon, angel, witch,and wereleopard and it seems the hunters have finally found her.

I need a break my legs hurt and feel like they're about to snap 'Shay can we please take a break my legs hurt and ash is hungry' I'm soooo hungry 'yea sure we can take a small break and find something to eat can you give ash back control' I obey and give Ash back control.

Asher's POV
Felix finally gives me control and we stopped right at a sign that says 'welcome to Arizona' I'm starving I could so go for a cheeseburger 😋. Me and Shay finally shift and my bones crack through the whole process it felt good we start to walk around and make it to Phoenix Arizona it's hot but not too hot just perfect 😌......we walk around and find a place to eat.

Shays POV
We find a restaurant to eat at and sit down but I can't let my guard down just yet I don't know if it's safe. I guess ash can sense that I'm worried as I feel her hand on my shoulder "hey it's ok we're ok, come on you've been sitting there thinking and darting your eyes around the room for the last 2 minutes that you didn't notice the waitress tell us to follow her" It didn't even feel like 2 minutes had passed I just need to breath "alright let's go ash you go in front of me" we start walking to our table and sit across from each other. I look through the menu and decide I'll just get a cheeseburger I can sense ash's gaze on me so I respond "yes ash how may I help you?" I look up to see her squinting at me " Shay I have questions and they need answers now" I sigh and put the menu down and take a sip of my water.

Asher's POV
"What do you wanna know ash?" She seems so calm and it's weird "what the hell is going on Shay? Why are there people coming after me? What did you mean when you said I'm more than a werewolf?"
I guess I took her by surprise asking those questions in one breath
" first just breath ash and second they're coming after you because you're more than we thought you would be and when I told you that it's because it's true you're more than a werewolf you are a vampire, witch, wereleopard, demon, and angel but there was something else your mother wanted to tell me about you but I guess we'll just have to wait and see pup" ok what the actually fuck, 'I know your shocked ash but just please calm down your shaking and everybody is starting to look at you' Felix was right I am shaking I look around and see Shay telling me to calm down trying to soothe me " this is a joke right Shay my mom isn't actually dead she's ok right? Like this isn't real right?" She takes a deep breath and holds my hand.
"I'm sorry ash but this isn't a joke, I wish it was trust me your mom was like a mother to me too and even if you didn't have a father I understand that I didn't have a father or a mother until you guys took me into your house and I'll forever be grateful for that but I get it that this is all stressful and I'm so sorry I never told you, you have no idea how hard it was to keep it from you and I'm right here and I'm not leaving ok" she gives me a small smile and squeezes my hand I guess we'll just see how this new life goes.....

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