Chapter 16

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Asher's POV
I open my eyes and sit up. I groan as I feel like my head is about to explode. I hold my head when I feel the pounding pain. I look up to see I'm in a different room on the jet. I look down at my hands but don't see them changing. Huh that's strange.

I stand up but almost fall back down. I try again and keep my balance 'it's ok ash you got this' I hear Felix say.

'Thanks felix I just think I'm just a little tired that's all'

'I understand that ash all of us are worried about you tho, are you feeling fine?'

'I mean I'm alright but I just have a killer headache and my body feels sore'

'Alright if you need anything all of us are right here you can ask me,izahia, and Marcus'

'Thank you Felix are you and the boys ok?'

'Yea were good Marcus and iziaha are still sleeping'

I nod and yawn I look around but don't see anyone. I walk towards the door and try and open it but it's locked on the outside. I peek through the window on the door. I keep trying eventually becoming frustrated. If you all are wondering why don't I just knock well it's because the room I'm in is kind of like a panic room so it's a room into another room so nobody can really hear me. The more I become frustrated I feel a heated sensation taking over my body. I begin to punch the door becoming angrier by the second. I feel the urge to scream. I face the door and scream as a green poisonous ball hits the door and burns through the metal door. I stare in amazement as I look at my hands and see my veins glowing green. I gasp as sharp Thorne like figures come out of my arms.

'Relax ash and it'll all go away, your reptilian side only comes out when you get angry' I hear a voice say

'who are you?' I ask.

'Oh my name is Carlo' the voice responds.

I nod my head and close the link between me and Carlo. And reach through the burnt whole and unlock the door. I push it open and walk to the other door a few feet away from me. I see Oscar and the group sitting in their seats but I see Skyler unconscious laying her head on Elizabeth's lap with bandages all over her. Well that's weird?

I knock on the door. And see everybody jump in fear I become very confused and see Oscar push Alex out of the seat. And watch Alex tremble with fear walking to the door. I hear the lock click and before I could open the door I watch as Alex runs back to the seat faster than I've ever seen him run. I open the door and walk over to them. I sit across from them and non of them make eye contact with me. I cough trying to get their attention. I see Layla look at me from the corner of her eye. I become a little frustrated and cough a little louder still nobody looks at me. With my alpha voice I speak "HELLO!!" I watch as everybody cowers down and hear whimpering come from everybody. "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU GUYS??!" I yell becoming even more frustrated as still nobody looks at me but bows down. With a growl I yell even louder " LOOK AT ME NOW!" One by one all of their heads look up and they all make eye contact with me. I finally calm down and sigh "sorry guys I don't normally use my alpha voice but none of you guys were paying attention or even looking at me" I sigh. "Sorry ash but we're still stunned when you transformed into your reptile" Oscar whimpers. I raise an eyebrow.

"What are you guys talking about?" I ask becoming more confused "well ash after you transitioned you just looked so scary and it was like you didn't even know who we were. And Skyler tried to calm you down and you attacked her and almost killed Alex" Elizabeth responds. I become speechless and look at my hands feeling extremely horrible tears fill my eyes as the visions come back. It was like a movie was playing right in front of me. They were right I did look scary

"It's ok ash just calm down look it's me Kristen ok just calm down" I see as I grab her hand and yank her my way and stick my nails deep into her skin I throw her on the ground and growl at the others that tried to step forward they cower down and I see as I Alex tried to grab something. I see as I quickly lunge at him but barely lay a finger on him as Conor stabs a shot looking thing into my back. After that I collapse onto the floor they pick me up and lay me in the panic room. That was the end as I see the group trying to get my attention.

I blink a couple times. "Ash are you ok?" Alex asks worry in his eyes "yea I'm good" I adjust in my seat and plug in my headphones "Hey umm guys I'm gonna take a nap wake me up when we land" everyone nods and I listen to my music on full blast. I let the darkness take over and sleep.....

(???) POV
I smile as I wait for Shay and Max to bring the mutt here I hear a knock on the door "Come in" I say in walks shay. Where is Max? I raise my eyebrows confused "Shay where is Max?" She becomes emotional and a tear slips down her cheek I shake my head. "Did she get away?" I ask shay nods her head I growl pissed that she keeps getting away. "Do I have to do this my fucking self!!" I yell shay shakes her head "N-No sir you don't h-have to do that I'll get it under c-control" she says obviously scared I step forward as she walks back and hits the door. I now stand in front of her very mad "Well shay I didn't ask and I didn't say for you to talk now did I?" At this point I can smell the fear rolling off her I smirk and pick her up by the neck. She claws at my hand I laugh at how hard she tries to escape my grasp I throw her to the wall cracking it instantly I roll my eyes because we had just fixed that wall. But I wasn't finished I pick her up again and throw her towards the window she breaks it and falls. Don't worry we aren't that high up my office was just on the 9th floor. I smirk as I hear her body hit the ground. I walk towards the window just to see her body but when I make it towards the window her body was gone. I growl and punch the window. "DAMN IT!!!!" I jump out the window and land on my feet I see as a blood trail leads somewhere. I follow it until it ends right in front of a bush. I smile evilly and crush the bush but there isn't anybody there. I rub my temples becoming frustrated and make my way back to the village.

What the hell am I gonna do now?.....

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