Chapter Eleven

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"Chevonne—" Elliot said, pulling his phone from his pocket.

"I'm not going anywhere near him."

"Lily, the mountains. They are close to the building. Yes, I know. Just find the entrance. Don't try to go in." A deep breath. "I'm giving you the information as I'm getting it. We're doing the best we can and if you want to go, then do it." He slid his thumb over the screen and it went black. His exhale was aggravated and he turned to look at her. "I don't care what happens. There is never anything dire enough to go to him."

"I'm not."

"I used the last of my syringes for the rail yard so we will have to stop and get more. Lily is on her way to the mountains."

"Sounded like she was thrilled about it."

"She was...annoyed." He looked around them. "Thirty six fledglings. They are new, but still very dangerous. He created them. We are going in tunnels. Be prepared." He looked at Madelyn. "I have no choice but to take you. I doubt they will go after you, but do exactly what I say, when I say." He looked at Chevonne. "You need—"

"Of course I won't stay here."

He closed brown eyes and let out a groan. "Same goes for you. No cutting yourself to try to save us. That will not work in this case because you will be overwhelmed and I can't live with that." He opened his eyes and the intensity in them stole her breath. "I can't."

"I won't try to be a hero, Elliot. I'll listen to you. You have my word."

Before she knew what was going on, he was in front of her and his hands cupped her face, his lips moving over hers and she shouldn't have let him in, but she had no choice. It was Elliot.

When he lifted his head, she touched her lips, trying to memorize the feeling of his against her. "I won't tell Lily you kissed me."

He pulled her against his chest, holding her tight.

"Okay, some things are back to normal so can we get going before the sun comes up?"

Chevonne never wanted to hit a vampire as much as she did Kian at that moment. Elliot stepped away and Nikolas took her hand. "We're ready."


"What if Draven told us the location because it's a trap?" Chevonne asked, not trusting the older vampire a bit.

"It might be, but I doubt it. It was always going to lead to a fight and it was always going to be here. I think Livia is confident in her numbers and Draven was supposed to get us to move anyway." Elliot glanced at her in the rear-view mirror.

Kian rode beside him. Caleb sat beside her with Nikolas on her other side and Madelyn and Jonathan took the back. She was glad to see the window had been replaced, though, she had no intention of bleeding in that vehicle again.

"True.' She bit at her lip, still not really convinced.

Suppose Draven somehow warned Livia about the blood. Would he have?

He confused Chevonne. Or was she over-thinking him?

Elliot turned into a twenty-four hour pharmacy and Kian jumped out. He was only gone for a couple of minutes and they were on the move again. Kian passed the bag back and Caleb handed it to Jonathan.

"Wait until we get to the building. We will meet with Lily there and she will lead us to where we go after that. Before following her, we will give you privacy to do this." Elliot once more spoke. "I can't express enough my gratitude for this. Even with Draven warning us, I don't believe the five us us would have fared well against this small army."

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