14. Real Problems

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Elena stayed overnight at Damon's house.  When she got up the next morning, she came downstairs and to her surprise she saw Stefan.

She said to him "Stefan, what are you doing up so early?"

He said to her "Actually Elena, I am waiting for you."

Elena did not how to react after Stefan told her that. Just there,Damon came downstairs.

Damon said to Stefan "Hey Stefan, what are you doing up so early?"

He said to Damon "I heard that Elena was staying over, so I thought I would get up early and wait for her."

Elena said to Damon "Hey Damon, do you mind if I just get my things and then head home?"

Damon told Elena "Are you sure you don't want to stay for breakfast? I was going to cook you something."

She told him "I think that I would like to go home right now. I am not feeling comfortable with being around your brother."

Damon said to Stefan "Stop going after my girl.  I can ask Elena if maybe Caroline would like to go out with you."

Stefan said "Why would you think that Caroline would want to go out with me? Don't you remember that I was the one that got Katherine even though she loved us both?"

Damon said to Stefan "I am going to talk with Elena about Caroline. Right now, I am going over to Elena's house. Do not follow me Stefan."

So, Damon left and went over to Elena's house.  Stefan just thought that he would wait until Damon got back. When Damon got to Elena's, he went to the door and rang the bell. Jeremy opened the door.

He said "Damon, what are you doing here. Did you have a fight with my sister?"

Damon said "Jeremy, I would never hurt your sister like that. It's just that my brother wants to get in the way of the two of us.  Is your sister upstairs?"

Jeremy told him "Yes Damon, she is upstairs.  But, I don't know if she wants to see you."

Damon went upstairs and knocked on Elena's bedroom door. She opens up the door and sees Damon.

She said "Hey Damon, what are you doing here. Is there something wrong?"

He said to her "Nothing is wrong Elena. You just left so quickly this morning that I got worried about you. Stefan and I got into a big fight and I told him that I was coming over here "

Elena said "I left because I did not want to get in the way of you and Stefan."

Damon said to Elena "Stefan was fighting with me about you. He told me that he has feelings for you too. I was telling him to back off. He said that this is the same way that we used to treat Katherine. I even told him that he should probably talk to Caroline. Do you think that Caroline might date Stefan?"

Elena told him "I could ask her, but I am not sure.  Is Stefan interested in Caroline?  If so, she would go out with him."

Damon told Elena "Stefan did not say that he was interested in Caroline.  I just want him off of my back about you."

Elena said "I will talk to Caroline about Stefan.  I think that she would love to date him."

He said to Elena "Thank you so much for helping me with this.  I just need him off my back about you."

When Elena and Damon went to school the next day, Elena saw Caroline.  Elena asked Caroline "Hey Care, I need to talk to you.  Damon said to me that he got into a fight with his brother and he asked me if you would like to go out with Stefan.  I told Damon that I would talk with you first."

Caroline told Elena "Elena, ever since I met Stefan that day, I really wanted to go out with him. Could you talk to Damon and tell him that I am interested in going out with Stefan?"

Elena said to Caroline "The next time that I talk to Damon, I will tell him. Thanks so much Care for letting me know how you feel about Stefan."

After the girls talked,class started. After class, Elena saw Damon and told him that Caroline would love to go out with Stefan. Damon went home after school and told Stefan that he got Elena's friend Caroline to go out with him.

Stefan told Damon "Are you serious. Why are you trying to set me up with someone. I know how to get girls that I am interested in." He then slapped Damon in the face.

Damon said to Stefan "Listen Stefan, I am trying to help you because I don't want you to be going after Elena.  She is with me."

Stefan told him "Okay Damon, but I still love her.  The only reason why I love her is because she looks like Katherine."

Damon said "She is not Katherine.  Nothing about her is Katherine.  Just leave Elena alone."

Damon called Elena "Hey Elena, do you mind if I come over and stay the night? Stefan and I got into a huge fight."

Elena told him "Let me talk to Jenna first. Give me a second." (Puts Damon on hold while Elena talks to Jenna). "Hey Damon, sorry about that. I just wanted to talk to Jenna. She said that it's okay for you to come over."

Damon came over to Elena's house. He told her everything about his fight with Stefan. She said to him "I want you to stay here tonight. Since he has not yet been here, he can't come in."

Damon said to her "Thanks Elena, you know how to make me feel better. Can I help you with getting dinner ready?"

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