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-2D POV-

I woke up with another migraine. Great. My black holes stared at the worn ceiling, half hoping to get out of this mundane life. This apartment alone is fine, but I kinda miss Kong Studios. It wouldn't take a lot to convince me back. But honestly, with Noodle gone, I don't think it would be the same.

I finally get up from the uncomforting object that we call a bed. God, my head hurts. I go to the kitchen. I get the kettle started, and sit there. I should turn on the television, but there's never anything new. Always some bird talking about weather, then some story about someone dying, then some traffic...

The kettle's ready. I pour the hot water and a tea bag into the cleanest mug I could find. Then, I grab some of my meds. I'm running low. Murdoc usually knows what meds I'm supposed to take. If I run out, I'll have to just start buying ibuprofen. I can't afford a trip to the doctor and paying the bills for this apartment. I'm low on money, and I miss my friends. I wonder if Kong Studios has the same number. In hindsight, maybe I shouldn't have left in the first place. I will forever remember the day we disbanded...

-initiate flashback sequence-

Russ: "WHAT?!"

Murdoc: "Russ, I can explain, I didn't-"

Russ: "Noodle could be at the bottom of the ocean because windmill island was attacked in an act that you helped set up?!"

Murdoc: "When you put it like that..."

Russ: "I am sick of your bullshit, Murdoc. All you do is hurt the people around you. I'm getting out of this hell hole. Come on 2D."

Murdoc & I: "What?!"

Russ: "I didn't stutter. 'D, come on. We have to get outta here."

Murdoc: "You can't just take 2D? He's got his own brain to decide. I think. Faceache ain't jus' gonna leave me."

Russ: "No, I am not just gonna let you cracker asses stay together here! You've been mentally and physically abusing 2D since the beginning. The fact that you let Noodle disappear, when she's clearly all our favorite, is a problem in it of itself. I am not gonna let you do whatever you want with 2D without anyone to witness it."

Russ grabs my arm pulling me. I yelp, but don't protest any further than that. I look back at Murdoc, and our eyes meet.

Murdoc: "Stu?"

Then the door to Kong shut with a loud banging sound.

The sound of that door slamming shut still rings in my ears as I get up from the kitchen table and go to the phone. It's worth a shot, right? I look for the number in my pile of crumpled phone numbers and begin to dial. Something has happened to the line because it goes straight to voicemail. Well, it was worth a shot I suppose. I'll give him a voicemail, in case he sees that I called, but doesn't know it was me. 

"Hey Mudz, it's me, 2D. I... I jus' wan'ed tah check in on u. Uhhh... ya seem busy tho.... so I'll jus' tal' to ya la'er if you's free then. Bye luv..."

I head over to the window. There isn't much else I can do at this point. Murdoc probably sold Kong, got a ton of cash, and is now living on a yacht somewhere. Then again, I don't think Murdoc is THAT smart. May sound strange, but Murdoc honestly is just an old goth. The fans all fall for his charming wit, but I don't think he's that intelligent.

Suddenly, I get super tired. Did I not sleep enough last night? No, I slept at least 5 hours, plus I drank tea. I notice that the ground has thick smoke-like stuff on it. My depth perception is getting worse. I can't resist the urge of sleep any longer. Everything goes dark and the last thing I hear is the glass crack on my window.


Author's note:

Shout out to my friend, who's probably reading this right now (lol, hi). I'm a little nervous sharing this story since I don't even know how to use Wattpad... Let me know if you like it, I guess? Honestly, no one reads these author's notes, so let's just move on.

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