Radio Silence

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Trigger warning... this one has some topics that could be sensitive to some viewers. If that's you, click away now.

-2D POV- (Most of this story is from his perspective)

Murdoc was standing there, staring at me. We stood like that for a few moments, both of us seeming just as afraid of the other. Then, Murdoc broke the silence.

"Dents, I uhhh...."

He forces out a cough, as if to shut himself up. I guess he wants me to talk, but didn't know how to get me to. It isn't like you can force someone to speak. I look down, contemplative, but I'm unsure if he can tell, with my midnight eyes. 

"Murdoc, I know wut you gonna say an' I... I ain' mad 'bout you takin' me 'ere, whereeva 'ere is. I ac'ually tries to call you, but you wasn' answerin'."

Shit, I said too much. I just meant to talk about the fact that I wasn't entirely pissed about seeing him. I didn't want to include the part that made me sound desperate to talk to him again. I really hope that's not how it came off.

"Stuart, snap out of it."

He said my real name. I turn my attention back to him, trying to act normal, but a little shocked from the use of my real name for once.

"2D, first, I'm relieved that you're not mad, but I didn't bring you here. I would remember doing something like that. Second, you called? Care to elaborate there?"

Well, shit, he was paying attention. How do I work around answering? Unfortunately, my mouth started saying words before my brain could process what they mean.

"I called the Kong Studios number. I' went straight tah voicemail, which makes sense now, since I guess this is the new HQ. This place is bright pink, so it ain' exac'ly a safe place from pirates. I heard you mention somefink 'bout pirates on the radio. I'm gettin' off topic. I calls you 'cuz life a' home was gettin' blan' an' lonely, an' I wan' tah checks up on you." 

Murdoc listened, a little shocked that I was being so open all the sudden. I don't usually do that. And I didn't exactly mean to spill out all those words anyhow. I went completely silent after I regained the ability to filter my words again.

"Well that was new. You're not usually that talkative unless you're afraid. Dents, where were you before you showed up here? I would've figured you'd still be with Russel, or maybe back at home. But from what you just said, it seems like you weren't being taken care of."

That was one thing Murdoc was good at. Knowing when I was cared for. I hang my head, defeated.

"Mah parents' ain' lettin' me back home, an' Russel wen' back to York, I believe."

"Then who made sure you took your meds every day, who made sure you didn't die in your sleep because of those terrors, and who made sure you..."

He noticed that my eyelids hung low, and my hand tugged at my other arm. He stepped back, looking at my messy hair that I never really cared for, the dark circles under my eyes, my lanky body that was skinnier than usual with how little I could afford.

"2D... you... all this time you've been suffering on your own? Why didn't you call me sooner?"

I remained silent. How could I answer that? I couldn't say I was scared to, because that'd be a lie. I couldn't say that I enjoyed independence, becuase that's a lie too. My only option would be the truth, but I can't say that either. 

Now Murdoc noticed my long sleeves. In my brain, I shouted, begged, screamed that he didn't see underneath. But my body was completely frozen. He took my arm, and I wanted to pull away. My brain, or I suppose the functioning parts, decided not to take action, despite how much internal conflict I was going through. 

But by the time my body had realized it should respond, it was too late. My sleeve was folded up, revealing scars old and new covering them. I pulled back down my sleeve immediatly and fell to the floor. I did what I think is called a 'lazy crab walk', successfully scooting back. I ended up reaching a wall and held my knees up with my arms, cowering in fear.

Murdoc stood there in extreme worry, not knowing what to say. This was so much worse than when he'd shout at me and beat me. Silence was my new least favorite sound. Even worse than the sound of whales, thunder, the ringing in my ears, and cars when they drive too close to you. He sat down on the floor in front of me, and finally looked like he found the words to say. I'll never forget his words.

"I can't pretend to know what you're facing. And I don't need you to tell me anything, if you're not comfortable. But... I want to at least be here for you, if you'd let me."

He now stood above me, holding out his hand to help me up.

Author's note:

Either I'm really good at cliffhangers, or I am actual garbage at fanfiction. Or both somehow. 

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