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The moment you've been waiting for. Smut warning, kinda but like... not really just yet.



But he won't listen. He continued to kiss my neck, probably leaving a hickey there. At this point, I just stayed quiet. To admit I wanted this was to admit defeat. I continued to periodically call his name, hoping to get him to stop and think about what he's doing. His hand touches my crotch and my breath hitches. 

"So you're just too afraid to admit that you're enjoying this, aren't you luv?"

And then, I am shaken awake. Murdoc stands above me, slightly conserned and equally scared, somehow. 

"Dents, you called my name in your sleep, and then you stopped breathing for a second there. I thought you died." 

In my still half delerious brain, I said, "Stop loving me then."

"2D what the hell are you talking about?"

The half awake part of my brain processed what I had said and the response Murdoc gave. I quickly reply, slightly panicking now, "If I say nothing, can we never talk about this conversation again?"

Murdoc looks at me weird, as if trying to process that request. Eventually, he leaves without giving me an answer. Oh great, now I'll definitely be questioned tomorrow. I won't be able to sleep with this new paranoia. 

How long have I been awake for? Minutes? Hours? I won't know until Murdoc tells me. So i'll lie here and wait for him to come back.

The sun is rising, I think. Or I'm finally dying, and accending to heaven. You know, the more I think about it, there's no way I'm making it into heaven. Therefore, that must be the sun. Today is gonna be a long day.

I hear Murdoc walk quietly into the kitchen that rests behind the couch. He doesn't know that I'm awake. I ponder for a second whether or not I should just let that be what it is. But then I think better of it.

"It's okay, Mudz. I'm awake."

Murdoc doesn't reply, but tries less to be quiet. He makes tea, which smells nice, and then I think I hear a toaster. It occurs to me that I haven't even bothered to check out what the kitchen set up was. I sat up at the couch and look over to the kitchen.

Then, Murdoc catches me staring and I quickly turn around. I hear a bit more shuffling in the kitchen, and then I hear Murdoc walk towards me. I can feel his smirk burn a hole in me. He sets down a tray on the coffee table that has toast, tea, and my meds. I look up at him, expecting him to start saying something, but he just stands there for a moment, then walks off.

As he is nearly at the elevator, I hear him say "I'll be in the studio. Come by if you want to talk."

And just like that, he's vanished. I am not sure what he means by talk, but flashbacks to last night run through my head again, and I fear going to talk to him. For the first time in a long time, my brain was moving fast. When I think about Murdoc, it usually strikes fear in me. But ever since this whole weird island thing started, he has been the light of my life. I smile when I think about him. But what does that mean?

I decide that I can't just stay around and wait for him to either confront me, or until I cave and confront him. I'm going to hide. I need some time to think for myself. But where would Mudz not immediately know to look for me. Then, I remember something, which is pretty new for me. There's a basement. I saw stairs going down the first day I arrived. I almost head over to the elevator, before thinking better of it and using the stairs. 

After walking so far down that it felt like I just took the stairway from heaven back to earth, I arrived. This place was cold and damp. entered what seemed like a cramped hallway, and reached the only door that was there. It had a passcode for the door. I ponder what Murdoc could possibly put in for the door. There really is only one option though.

I put in 666, lazily, and it works. Of course he'd do that passcode again. That's kind of his thing. I step into the cold room, and notice that it is mostly empty. there's mainly some cardboard boxes and dust. I stand there holding the door for a moment, contemplating the fact that I might not be able to leave once I go inside. I think back to my dream last night, and the conversation I might have with Murdoc today. 

The door shuts behind me.

Author's note:

I wrote the beginning of this chapter and then I fell asleep. So much for writing it all in one night.

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