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Smut warning. For like... reals this time. 

-2D POV-

I awaited the ding of the elevator. I laughed when I heard it. He actually came down. So he really was watching me. For whatever reason, it made me feel glad to know that he cared enough to look for me. I heard him try at the door, which surprisingly took longer than the one attempt it took me, and the door opened. 

Murdoc stood in the doorway, looking nervous to walk in, for fear of the door closing on both of us. I pulled him in, pushing a plastic block over the mechanism to prevent it from locking us inside. 

"Come on, Mudz, we don't have all day." I say as I sit him down in a chair I had taped one of the legs back onto, taking the orange juice from his hand. I take a sip of it and place it on the wooden crate that became my bedside table as I sit down on my bed

He looked like he was still trying to process the series of actions I confidently and smoothly did. I'll be honest, I'm not even sure myself how I did them so assured. But brimming with courage and content to see Mudz genuinely confused, I spoke.

"Hey,  Murdoc, I want to talk about last night."

"Huh? Oh... yeah, w-what happened last night with you?"

I pause for a moment. Am I really about to say this?

"I had a dream about you last night. You were... well.... acting friendlier than usual."

"Friendlier how?"

I look at him, my face probably between dissapointed that he didn't know what I meant, and flustered that he asked. He looked comfused for a moment but then mouthed the word 'oh'. I continued speaking.

"And the dream got me thinking weird thoughts. I thought about our weird friendship, and about the balcony, and about the kind gestures that you do for me without reason. All this thinking lead to the conclusion that... well I think I like you."

Murdoc didn't appear as shocked as I thought he would. You'd think that if someone whom you were positive saw you as a liability were to find out that you loved them, they'd be speechless. But I guess Murdoc is not most people.

"Dents, normally I'd beat you and push my feelings away, and maybe the island is really just getting to me, but I think I like you too."

We sit in silence for a moment, not really sure what to do next. I am unsure at first that these next words really came out of my mouth.

"Maybe the island is getting to the both of us. I just had an insane idea."


"Well, I'd assume Murdoc is a top?"

"What are you... oh. 2D, I don't think you're ready for that~"

"And why not? Is Mudz afraid he'd hurt the precious angel that is 2D?"

He looks at me, smirking. "I didn't take you for a tease, Dents."

"I learn from the best."

I think that set him over the edge. He jumped on top of me, pinning me to the bed. "And who might that be, Stuart?"

Damn, he used my real name. It always makes me shift my attention. I smile up at him, "Well, you might know him. His hair is black as a raven, his eyes are a deep maroon, and his teeth are sharp like daggers. He-"

Murdoc kissed me hard. I didn't resist him, because at this point, we both are too deep into this to stop. While we kiss, our hands work on pulling off the clothes we have on. Being that neither of us are wearing shirts, the kiss doesn't need to break until we run out of air. We release from the kiss, both of us catching our breath. 

Now, I never had done it with another male. I only was ever sexually active with a certain bitch that I refuse to think about. Well, then I guess Murdoc would be my first at something.

In the time it took for me to think, Murdoc is now above me again, smirking. "Hey, 2D, if you want to back out, I'd say you're allowed to, but that'd be a lie."

"Noted, but I don't think I'd want to be a bottom for anyone else. They always said shoot for the moon."

He doesn't hesitate any further, and thrusts his dick into me. It sends shivers down my spine, but he is relatively gentle with me at first. After the initial shock and pain, I begin to enjoy it. My body becomes more needy by the second, as I get the urge for him to go harder, even if it starts to hurt me. Maybe I'm getting ahead of myself.

He does begin going faster and harder inside of me, and without thought, I moan. With anyone else that would be a completely normal thing, but because I am his singer, I think it catches Murdoc a bit off guard. However, he continues to thrust harder and faster, rewarding him with a few more moans from me. I never have experienced a feeling like this, and I like it. I feel full of warmth and pleasure, and I-

"Ahhh~ Murdoc! Again!"

Murdoc thrusts again, making me a moaning mess. He smirks.

"So that's where it is. Thanks for letting me know."

He begins to thrust harder and faster, hitting the same spot every time. Fuck, he was good at this. At this point, I was feeling absolute euphoria, and moaned more times than I think anyone has. I could hardly take any more of this. I felt this bubbling feeling inside of me, threatening to burst out at any second.

"Mudz, I think I'm gonna-"

He interrupted, his voice low and groaning, "Y-yeah, me too."

After a few more thrusts, we both came. I did first, and he did not long after. He pulled out of me, and he lied on top of me for a while. We laid there trying to collect our thoughts on what to say.

"You did pretty good for your first time as a bottom. Most over act."

"Well, in case you didn't notice Murdoc, I am not most people."

"Shut up, bluebird, you know what I meant."

"In your dreams, pedro."

"I'm pretty sure that means big dicked, Dents."

"I'm sticking by my word."

That made Murdoc chuckle a bit. I smiled despite myself. I wondered if this would be the only time something like this would happen.



I know that he could sense the fear in my voice.

"Was this the only time we were ever gonna do this? I can understand if it was, I just..."

My voice trails off. Murdoc shifts off of me, and we now lay on our sides, facing one another.

The waves feel eerily calm, the room is quiet and dark, only illuminated by the moon.

Author's note:

Over a thousand words! I am equally proud and exhausted from writing this chapter. Sidenote, naming these chapters is such a challenge, but I think I have been doing a good job. 

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