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-2D POV-

I am awake. I hear... waves? But I can't see anything. Only... darkness. Like I was shipped to the ocean in a box. Huh, I wonder if this was how Noodle felt when she first came to Kong Studios. Well, I should get out of this box. That was not on my list of stuff to do today. Then again, something tells me my plans might have changed.

I finally break free. I am by the ocean. Actually, by the looks of things, I'm surrounded by ocean. My ears start ringing, but I try to tune out the incoming and inevitable migraine. The beach is made of... plastic? It's painted orangish pink, like a sunset. If I stay optimistic, things will turn out fine. After all, I'm used to being put into situations with little choice on the matter. 

Okay, first things first, I should figure out a way inside the building at the top of the cliff. If I wait here, I could get rained on. And, while I don't mind the rain, the sound of water on plastic won't help with my headache. There doesn't appear to be a ladder or stairs to the top, so I can assume that the base of the island is where the enterance is.

After walking around the bottom part for a moment I find a wooden platform. I quickly race up the stairs, going inside the enterance. There appears to be an elevator and stairs. Being that it would be strange of whomever lives in this place that someone is using their elevator unanounced, I opt for the stairs. Heading upwards, because that's where there are most likely people, I ponder what to say to the person or people that I'm about to meet. 

Maybe something like... sorry, I just happened to wash up on your island in a suitcase? Where am I and how do I get home?

Then, I hear a sound that makes the ringing in my ears suddenly drop dead silent. A voice that I'll recognize anywhere. But there's no way. There's no way in hell that I ended up in the same place as him. I lean my back on the wall, and slide to the floor. All previous thoughts exit my mind, and I just listen to him.

"That's all for now! This has been point Nemo FM. 48 degrees south, 123 degrees west. Signing off."

I finally get the courage to stand up. How long did I listen to him do radio for? I hear him messing with some buttons and dials or something, then he appeared to walk past the stairs, slightly drunkenly, and into the elevator. Based on the very loud elevator, he was headed upwards. I guess I should do the same. I walk quietly up the stairs, careful not to make too much noise on them, since they're metal.

I got to the near top of the stairs, where I had heard the elevator stop, and I stood at the door to where he was on the other side. I could just go back down and outside and stay there. He could eventually notice me that way, and I wouldn't have to worry about freaking him out that I took initiative to come to him. Plus he seems drunk, so I don't know if he'll attack me or not when I come in. Then again, it'll be dark soon. If I stay outside all night, I'm vulnerable to the elements. 

Now that I think about it, he probably kidnapped me to here. Which, isn't suprising on it's own, just... well thinking back, he mentioned pirates when he was talking on the radio. So, if he is hiding from pirates, my azure hair would be a very stand out thing to them that this is the location to look for him. I'll take my chances of walking through the door. 

I open the door as quietly as possible, and, as it closes and makes a click sound, I say the name I never thought I'd say again. 


Author's note:

Ayyyyyy wassup. I am literally writing all of this in one night. You may think that that's not long enough to write a fanfiction, and you'd be right if you haven't practically read every 2doc story that wasn't a highschool au on wattpad. Expect dialogue, because most of this has been backstory in 2D's head, and I want to get into the fun stuff. :)

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