R = Reputation

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"You were amazing," The Weeknd said as we left the sound booth. "Thanks, you weren't too bad yourself," I smiled and my phone went off. The words pap's popped up and I knew that was my queue. "Well, I have to get home, stay in touch?" I hug The Weeknd and dash down the hallway to the exit. Dad has been talking about this meeting for about 2 weeks now, I'm not sure what its about or who benefits but I know alot of money is involved. "Im on my way," I hope in my car. I pull up at our house and find a two black cars in the driveway. "Errbodies in the meeting room," my dad says as I walked through the door. Wow eager much, dad. I followed him into the room and my eyes scanned the faces. Stranger. Stranger. Ashton Irwin. Stranger. Wait, hold up. Ashton Irwin??

What the "-hell is he doing here?" I whisper to my dad as I sat down but he just shhed me. "Thank you Mr Carter-" "Call me Lil Wayne," dad cut him off. "Mr Wayne," one of the stranger's in the suit said as I looked at Ashton, who was either playing game's or chatting away on his phone. His even hotter in person. Im not a fan, Ew I hate rock or whatever pop/rock music they make. But I can't deny his gorgeousness. "Well what do you think Naomi? Are you up for it?" One of the suits asked, taking me out of my trance. "Well I'm not!" Ashton said. "Up for what??" I ask completly lost. "Becoming Nashton," the stranger answered me. "Nashton!? As in Naomi and Ashton?!" My dad asked. "For publicity," the suit reassured.

I dont think dad would've minded if it was someone black American, well black in general. He loves all races but prefers me dating my own. In fact he said its either I date someone in the game or I don't date at all. I chose not to date at all. Nigga can't control my music career and my dating life.

"Um, don't you think it would hurt my reputation," Ashton stood up. "What reputation?" I hold back a laugh. "...Dont you think it would hurt my reputation, if I was found holding hands with a bl....a you know...african american," he clinged as he spoke. "Nice choice of words. Loads of bullshit! But congrats, nice save," I roll my eyes. "I mean..some off us have a career, fans, while the rest of us sit home and let dad 'hustle'," he said smiling making air bubbles with his hands over the word hustle and I became instantly annoyed. "You know I feel sorry for you Irwin, I dont know what rot your brain or whether you are naturally like this; which I'd feel sorry for your band mates for because they with you 24/7 and have to put up wit you crappy attitude. Or whether the 'fans' you claim to have have gotten to you, along with the fame but I do know that the only reason you don't want to do this is because you simply afraid. Its okay to not feel man enough to handel a black chick on your arm," i smile back and silence filled the room.

"Im not affraid. I've dated a black girl before," he huffed. "Black racially, not tanned," I grab a pen and walk over to him. "And if you dated a black girl before, I'm sure you wouldnt mind doing it again," I smirked and he grabbed the pen out of my hands and signed the contract. Asthton Irwin from 5 seconds of summer dating Naomi, daughter of Lil Wayne. This should be interesting.

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