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"Okay, wait," Irwin whispered against my neck. "What?" I groan making eye contact with the head of curls. "I want to. Trust me, I do, bu-"  "But you want to take things slow?" I tilt my head. "No..yes, but no. I just want t-" "Get to know me first," I finnish for him, moving my lipstick off his lips..  I've heard all of this before.  "I dont want t-"  "To rush things," I sigh.  "Listen, I want to, its obvious," he looked down and blushed. "But its your first time we talking about here. Sex is not something that only affects you physically it also affects you emotionally. I dont want you to feel emotionally robbed," he lifted my chin.

Its fine. I dont minded being robbed of that. Im not looking for emotion. I'm looking for a distraction.

"Come on, dont be blue," he pecked my lips. "Im not 'blue' I'm hungry... And I remember a certain somebody promising me a pizza, just by the by," I bat my eyelashes at him.  "Then lets get you food homie," he gave me a cheesy smile. "No..no.." I shake my head rapidly. "I'm not your homie," I wave my finger in his face. "Okay, so what are you to me?" Irwin sat in the chair only a few cm's away from the drumset. "Im more like: not your chick but the main," I bend down to meet his eyes, he just laughed.  "I'm hungry and you starting to look really delicious," I growl. "Starting?" He questioned with wide eyes. "Yep," I pop the p.  "I think you confused, I've always been delicious! Maybe the hunger is messing with your brain, love," he placed the back of his hand on my forehead. "Hot," he said surprised. "Thanks," I wink. "Oh Whatever," he chuckled, as we made our way downstairs.

"Oh no, Naomi, oh god," Irwin hid his face in his hands. "We tried," I laugh. "Its not even round... Im not even sure its cooked," he pulled his face at it. "Hey, we made this together, we both take the blame for this excuse for a pizza," I look at what we called a home made pizza but looked more like a home made mistake.

"I'll order a pizza, and you can clean up, okay? Yeah! Team work!!" He shouted. "You mad!" I pull him back. "Okay I guess i could help," he chuckled. "Damn right," I start cleaning. "Oh Naomi, you kinda have a little-" he marked my cheek with ketchap. "Something on your cheek,". "Haha so funny," I say sarcasticly then go back to cleaning. I dont play games. "I said, you have something on your cheek!" Ashton dipped his hand in flour then grabbed my ass with it. I couldn't help but moan.

"My favourite tights! You fool," I brush away his hand print. "You serously need to learn to have more fun," he shook his head in disappointment. "What!? Im fun!" I put down my sponge. "Oh I bet you are," Ashton said sarcasticly then turned around. I can be fun. I am fun!

I grab a hand full of cheese and throw it in his messy curls. "Oop?" I grin as he turns around. "Cheese..not bad," he ruffled his hand in his hair. "Still not the best," he grabbed the bowl of meat balls. Shit. "AHHH ASHTON!!!" I screamed as he throw them at me one after other. "Awwww," he pouted at the empty bowl, but the pout quickly turned into a roar of laughter when he saw my face covered in meat pieces and sauces. This means war.  

Ashton and I played in the kitchen like two teens left home alone for the first time. Sauces, toppings, vegetables, herbs, spices, meats and chunks of curst where flying around the room along with laughter and screams. We were acting so childish but we didnt seem to care. We didnt care. For the first time I didnt need to act with Ashton. Everythings happening was us. Is us.

"Your so dirty," Ashton said trying his hardest to hold back a laugh, standing up from the mess that once was the floor. His whole face was covered in flour (not much of a difference, his always white) and different sauces, his hair with sprinkles of cheese and body wet from the shower of soda. "Oh you have no idea," I bite my lip as he helped me up. "That mouth of yours is going to get you into trouble Naomi," he tried to kiss me but I bite on his lip. "You dont know what my mouth is cableable of,". "How about you show me," he smiled. I relised his lip. "I dont take orders from you, I do what I want," I sass. "Really? And what do you want to do?" He leaned on the counter. I walk to him and lean on him. "This," I start licking the different condiments off his neck. "Good choice," he said as I pull his shirt over his head then start licking his neck down. "God," he muttered, me twirling my tongue around his nipple. "Where do you learn these things," he said breathless. "You cute," I lift my shirt. "GOD!" His eyes widened. "I think you getting some drool on them," i joke wiping my boobs, Ashton licked his lips but stayed paralysed. I grab his hands and place them on my breasts. He wasnt shy to squeeze them. "You'd swear I'm the virgin there," he grinned. "Its time we play our directed roles," he lifted me and places me on the counter, spreading my legs wide open. He kissed the exposed part of my breasts and down my chest. "Chocolate my favourite," he took the waist line on my tights between his teeth. I would normal say something like fuck you or so damn cheesy but I was so lost in the moment and what this moment right here would lead to. Before i knew it Ashton was in his boxer, which were now tight. Mmm. And i was in my green laggary. "You have an amazing body," Ashton lightly stroked my face down stopping at my pantie, still keeping eye contact. "Thank you....It took me being half naked for you to see that, but thanks," I shake my head with a smile. Smiles around Ashton come naturally. Cheesy. But true.  "Your body is amazing. Big boobs, Huge butt! And tiny waist!" He praised. "Thank my mom for being black, black = butt!" I wink. "I like black," he slipped down my pantie.

Once you go black theres no turning back.

"Wait!" I lift it up. "You dont even know my favourite colour and you want to get me out my panties! I thought we were supposed to get to know each other first. Shame on you Ashton," I slap my chest. "Hmm, I see what you doing, Naomi," he cracked a smile.  "I dont know what you talking about Ashton," I kiss him. "I thought you want this just as bad as I do," he massaged my breasts. "I'm hungry, not thirsty, Ashton," I say making us both laugh. "You the worst," he kissed my cheek, I just laughed. "Yet Im still obsessed with you," he smiled almost cut off by the doorbell ringing. Awww. "I'll go got it," I jump off the counter. Ashton tried to stop me but I ingored him. "Hey," I open the door. "Wow," the pizza delivering boy muttered. He looked almost 16. "Do you want it?" I ask and he nodded slowly. "Here," I give him his money. "Your Naomi," he took the money slowly. "Yeah and you rude for staring," I smiled as he stared at my breast. "I'll just take that," I take the pizza as the boy stood at the door frozen. "You are a horrible person," Ashton laughed while I closed the door. "Jealously isnt a nice colour on you," I tease him as he sat on the couch. "Yeah but caramel is," he pat his lap. Haha funny. I roll my eyes sitting down. Ashton wrapped his arms around my waist.

"So Nashton, goes on Juicy soon," he said. "Scared?" I laugh.  "No, Im concerned...we going public, that doesn't only affect us it affects the fans and everyone," he played with my fingers. "Yeah but we just doing us right," I say feeling nervous already.  "Actually we doing what our management says," he spoke. Sometimes I forget this is all just a stunt.  I guess I'm too busy catching feelings.

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