𝙨𝙞𝙢𝙤𝙣'𝙨 𝙡𝙖𝙥

394 17 11

a/n: is about to get
also i spent far too
much time on this
so enjoy it 🔫


"Just get in the damn car!"

They've probably been at this for a little over twenty minutes.

"But there's not enough room for me and Simon! This is literally a three person car!"

The girls and Simon gave him impatient looks. They were all seated, buckled, and ready to go.

"There has got to be another way to arrange this!" David threw his hands in the air, praying that there actually was.

The gears in the judges' brain cranked loudly, anyone passing by would've definitely heard them. Then after a minute, Amanda looked at David with a very, very scary twinkle in her eye.

"Well, there is Simon's lap..."

David gaped at the woman who had clearly gone out of her mind. She did not just—but from the corner of his eye he saw Simon shrug and smile.

"You have done it before."

Mandy and Alesha giggled. David stuttered. It was chilly that day but he was warm in his coat and beanie. He was beginning to wish he'd worn something a little lighter.

"As a-As a joke! And I never put my whole weight on you!"

"David, we're going to be late for brunch."

Alesha's smirk was all too clear through the rear view mirror. This was betrayal at its finest.

"Si, I'm going to crush you—"

Simon took it in his hands to solve the problem by grabbing David by the waist, and sitting him right on top of him. He made quick works of the car door before David could even complain. David struggled to get of his lap but Simon would pull him back down on him. He tried and tried to worm his way out, but for an old man, Simon's grip was pretty strong as it didn't budge.


David huffed in exasperation and crossed his arms. "How long is the drive, anyways?"

Alesha caught his eye from the mirror, "Just 45 minutes," and smiled wickedly. He glared at her in return.

Forty-five minutes.

Forty-five of pretending like everything was fine. Forty-five minutes of sitting in the back of an all-too-hot vehicle. Forty-five minutes of pressing his behind down on Simon's—

Just ignore it.


It was 10 minutes in and David couldn't just ignore it.

Maybe it was because with every bump the car hit, (Why are the roads especially bumpy today?) Simon's manhood only pressed up harder against him. Or because of his massive crush on the man, such close proximities were driving him feral. Or because David had woken up late and hadn't had time to handle himself and was still horny.

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