Chapter 3: First Day

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Chapter 3: First Day

Tori Vega's Point of View

I run after Trina, trying to catch up with her. While speeding up my pace, I can't help but look around at my surroundings. The parking lot has walls surrounding it, all with really cool graffiti like art on them. Walking between filled tables of kids eating breakfast, there's a huge balcony up above where a bunch of more students are playing with their instruments. More art cover different beams and walls all around, making it very colorful.

"Trina, wait up." I whine as she reaches the door to go inside, she groans but waits for me to catch up.

"It's almost as if you were trying to lose me." I chuckle jokingly as we both walk through the doors.

"Really? And it's almost as if you were trying to ruin my social life by trailing behind me like a puppy." She then tells me with a smug smile making mine drop.

"We should stick together, first days are scar-" I quickly start, but she's already gone. Her back turned on me as she walks away. I huff now remembering how selfish and rude my sister is. I stand in the middle of the hallway, well it's more of a commons area. Many students all sit on the stairs, dancing around and playing their music on their instruments.

There's many lockers all around, in a different placement then any regular high school i've seen. All of the lockers are decorated differently as well, some of them looking really cool with the art splattered on them, and some of them making me question myself. The walls are all decorated as well, just like the walls outside in the parking lot. I sure have never seen a high school quite like this one.

I hesitantly look around, hoping to see Beck's familiar face, but come up empty. I then open the latch on my shoulder bag, rummaging through some of the papers for the one that tells me my locker number. I then start to walk cautiously around, trying to avoid bumping into some of the dancing teenagers. Soon enough I stumble across a locker that has my number on it, it's simply a metallic gray color making me wonder why mine isn't decorated like everybody else.

I put the combination in, hoping it works on my first try. I usually have bad luck when it comes to lockers, but this one opens up smoothly making me smile in triumph. I look inside the empty locker knowing I need to decorate this thing up. I then close it, knowing I have no use for it right now though. I look around the halls feeling awkward and uncomfortable just standing here.

I pull out my schedule from my bag looking to see what my first class might be, "Acting" with Erwin Sikowitz. I raise my eyebrows thinking of how strange the name is, but pass it off. I look around again for Beck hoping to find him someplace. I don't find him anywhere, but my eyes do land on someone that keeps my eyes fixated on them for a very long moment.

There's a girl standing next to one of the lockers a little ways down from where i'm standing. She leans up against the locker with a cup of coffee in one hand and her pearphone in the other. She takes a few sips as she texts, looking bored with the world.

I can't help but let my jaw drop the slightest and my eyes widen at the sight of this girl, she has to be the one of the most beautiful girls I have ever seen. That sounds very cliché in my head, but it has to be true. I take in her features, one by one, letting her face become etched in my mind.

Her eyes are the first thing I do notice, they're such a light shade of blue, that they could be mistaken for a gray or green. They're so bright and vibrant, it's hard to move onto her other features. A piercing sits on her left eyebrow, another stud piercing on the side of her nose, bringing more sparkle to her face than just from her eyes. Her nose is slightly round and has a perfect slope. Her lips, well her lips are perfect as well. They have a different shape than most, but once again so perfectly shaped. It's like everything about her is...perfect.

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