Chapter 5: Slap Shot

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Chapter 5: Slap Shot

Tori Vega's Point of View

"Oh it's freezing in here." I point out as we walk down the steps to our seats. Beck just laughs, pointing to our seats in the middle of the section.

"I told you to dress warm." Beck then reminds me, making me sigh because it's true. I had brought a brown leather jacket, but it sure isn't enough considering we're sitting so close to the ice. We pass through people to get to our row, sitting down in the black folding seats.

"Wow Beck, these are great seats." I tell him making him grin, the ice rink in front of us being right in the center. We're only a few rows from the first.

"I know, right? Getting these season tickets have been the best birthday present yet." He grins making me chuckle.

"Now remind me, what team are we rooting for? The black or the blue and white?" I ask feeling a bit guilty, I honestly can't remember. Beck chuckles before opening up his jacket to reveal a black jersey with a crown on it.

"We're going for the Los Angeles Kings, best hockey team there is." He tells me smugly making me roll my eyes playfully.

"Got it." I chuckle, looking around to see that most people around us are in the same jersey he is in. I guess you could say i'm a bit oblivious sometimes, especially with sports.

"Thanks for coming with me, I usually go with my dad, but he had to work late tonight." Beck tells me as he gets comfortable in his seat.

"Thanks for inviting me, i'm excited for my first pro hockey game." I smile at him which makes him chuckle.

"You'll enjoy it, trust me." He guarantees looking happy.

"Can I ask why you didn't ask Jade though? She's not mad that we're here together, right?" I ask knowing that I had to ask sometime tonight.

"Jade doesn't really like any kind of sport, I brought her here for one of the first games of season, but she hated it. Complained the whole night." He tells me making me nod my head, he then continues with "Don't worry, she's not mad. Surprisingly, she trusts you. Which is kind of strange because she barley trusts me sometimes." He jokes making me smile again, just knowing that she trusts me makes me happy.

The game starts making Beck excited, I can't help but chuckle at his enthusiasm. The first ten minutes pass and I think I understand most of the game, I still have to ask Beck a few questions to make sure though. Even though this isn't what I would be doing on a regular Saturday night, I have to admit it's fun. Especially just hanging out with Beck.

The L.A. Kings score a few times making Beck a very happy guy, it's fun to get into it all. Giving each other high fives each time they score, dancing along to the music, yelling at the other teams goalie to tell them that they suck, it's all a very fun atmosphere.

When it comes to the first period being done, I go up to the concession stands and get a couple of hot dogs for Beck and I. I get back in time just before the next period starts, making Beck even happier when I hand him his hotdog.

"So, have you called my friend Ryan yet?" Beck asks me as we begin to eat, I stiffen for a second wondering how I should play this. Do I tell Beck that i'm gay? He is my best friend...

"No I haven't..." I reply feeling a bit nervous, unsure of what might come out of my mouth.

"He's a good guy, you should give him a try." Beck tells me with a simple shrug, eating more of his hotdog.

"I bet he's just that, he's not really my type." I confess feeling more nervous by the second, I haven't decided if I should tell him or not yet.

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