Chapter 4: Building Trust

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Chapter 4: Building Trust

Tori Vega's Point of View

"This is stupid." Jade mumbles, her body jerking a bit as Beck straps on her vest.

"You're going to have fun. Trust me." Beck reassures her as he pulls the last strap on. He then hands her the laser gun, which she holds with no excitement. I look around and see the rest of the group, strapping their vests on as well. I check to make sure mine is on correctly one last time, knowing that I wouldn't have been able to put it on correctly in the first place if it wern't for Beck's help.

"I don't believe you." Jade then mumbles again to Beck, who just rolls his eyes in response. When Beck invited me to come laser-tagging with everybody, I was a bit hesitant at first, until I found out Jade would be here. He says that the group always does something fun like this when the first week of school has been acomplished.

The week passed by so quickly, that it's weird to think that I've been living here for almost three weeks now. It's freaking me out to be honest, how time is flying already. The time spent at school was mostly routine. Just get through the day without embarrassing myself and giving any suspicion that I have a huge crush on Jade West. It's been a lot harder than I thought it would be.

I can't help but just fantasize about her and I, especially when she talks to me. It's hard to not think any kind of lustful thoughts about her, she get's more beautiful everyday that I see her and it's not fair. The first few days, I tried desperately to convince myself that I didn't like her, but then she started to talk to me and those hopes of convincing me washed down the drain. It's hard to not like someone so perfect.

I'm onto the stage where I keep telling myself it's a phase, that in the next month or so, I will totally forget about ever liking Jade in the first place. It better happen, or else i'm screwed, because everyday she becomes a better fantasy that I can't stop thinking about.

"I'll be right back, I have to get my vest." Beck then tells Jade, kissing her on the cheek before departing. I stand awkwardly in front of her, looking down at my laser gun, wondering how the hell to use this thing. I haven't been out to laser tag since I was six, where I cried on the way home because Trina kept bragging about how she won.

"Hey Tori, can you come over and help me? I think some of my hair is caught in this stupid thing." Jade then asks me, gesturing to the back of her neck.

"Sure." I tell her, putting my gun down on the available table before going over to her. I stand behind her and hesitantly let my hands hover behind her neck. I then place my hand on the back of her vest, slightly pulling it back and gently reaching for her hair. I pull it out from under her vest, before placing the vest back in it's original place.

"Thanks, it was pulling on my hair a lot." She tells me, adjusting her hair so it sits perfectly on her shoulders. I can't help but take a quick glance downward, where I have the perfect view of seeing how great her jeans fit her. She turns around to face me, and I feel another blush form on my cheeks. She's standing close, and is staring at me, waiting for me to respond.

"No problem." I gulp before backing up and walking over to retrieve my gun. Her bright eyes watch me, making the blush stay.

"You any good at this game?" She asks me, just filling the time. She comes and stands next to me, leaning against the table.

"I wouldn't know. The last time I played was when I was six." I chuckle, taking a deep breath so I don't sound so nervous around her.

"Well at least you have played before." She replies folding her arms, shrugging her shoulders.

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