Part 3

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Loki's POV
The next morning I'm walking around the compound when i see (y/n) asleep in the lab. 'The're so pretty and peaceful' i thought smiling softly. I wrap a blanket around them and leave them a cup of coffee before walking away. 'There's no way for them to know it was me' i think as i leave. In the kitchen i get some breakfast and shortly after (y/n) walks in. It's too early for most of the compound to be awake so I'm about to make a run for it before they notice me. "Hey asshole" I hear them say with a smirk. 'Shit they saw me' i turn around slowly with a glare.
"Calling me an asshole, how original" i retort in an annoyed voice "you could be nice to me sometimes." I say in a hushed voice as to not awaken the whole compound
"HA! Seriously" they say taking a step closer "your the one that was always mean to me ever since i set foot in this building" they respond quietly. Clearly annoyed and a bit confusion on their gorgeous features. I step closer to them now only a few feet apart. We start to throw every insult imaginable at each other until they step closer whipping a knife out of their pocket and holding it to my face. "Just leave me alone" they say pressing it lightly to my neck i can see the conflict in their eyes. I smile a bit and chuckle gently pushing the knife away from me. Then i did what I've been thinking about for so long giving into my overwhelming feelings. I closed the gap and pressed my lips against theirs kissing them with passion. They seemed shocked at first, confused, then they started to kiss back and it was a wonderful kiss I couldn't help but smile a bit. They broke off and looked into my eyes. Next thing i know the're storming off and my face hurts. 'She really slapped me' i thought, sad and a bit confused. One moment we were enjoying an incredible kiss the next i sat alone in the kitchen with an ice pack on my face. 'And yet i still love them' i smile as people filter in and out of the kitchen.

(Y/n)s POV
"Just leave me alone" you say holding back tears, lightly pressing a knife to the neck of the man you love and yet hate so much. You knew you didn't mean it that's why when he gently pushed it back in your direction you didn't resist. You looked at the ground and he lifted your chin suddenly smashing his lips against yours. It took a second to process this but then you kissed back. This is what you always wanted, right? It couldn't be real he hated you. The kiss was full of passion and it felt so right but Loki would never want to be with a mortal. You pull away feeling tingly. In a good way, you think, as you look into his sparkling emerald eyes. Still confused and conflicted your conversation with Wanda running through your head you get kinda angry. 'Why is he always mean to me' you think then you slap him in the face as hard as you could. You bring your hand to your mouth trying to hide your gasp not believing what you just did 'fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!' You think to yourself. Why did you do that! Stupid. Holding back tears you bolt to the other side of the compound to see Wanda.

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