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Shanaya's Pov

After taking a shower I went to the kitchen.
I decided to prepare a nice romantic breakfast for us and that's why I gave a half day leave to all the workers. I decorated the table with logs of rose petals and beautiful flowers.
As he was busy in study room and I knew that he wont come out in an hour or two. I started making chocolate pancakes and after that I decided to make a strawberry
Smoothies and that was the worst mistake I made .

The moment I turn on the tap it came out  in my hand and the water spurted out on my body.

I tried to close it with my palms only to drench myself more.
"Ian" I shouted as it was becoming difficult for me to control the water gushing out from broken tap.

I didn't know when he arrived but his voice made me took a sigh of relief.

"What are you doing ?" He asked dumbfounded as his scrutinizing eyes were looking at the floor flooded with water .

"Please help me" I pleaded. I was already drenched in water and these strong streams are making my vision blurry making me unable to control it anymore.

He hastily ran towards the main valve and turned it off.

I took a deep breath of relief.

"What were you doing ?" he asked looking at the condition of the kitchen.

"Trying to make breakfast for us" I said making a puppy face, only this could save me for right now.

"And Where is everyone ?" He looked around to see the workers.

I wanted to dig a hole and vanish into it. How am I supposed to reply him. I wanted to give him a simple surprise like any cute wife but now, just look at the condition of the kitchen. It was overflowing with the water.

"I gave them all half day leave , I wanted to give you surprise" I said in a very low voice.

Oh I hope he didn't hear me .
But he did. His eyebrows lifted in disbelief. One thing I was pretty sure that I actually made him "SURPRISED".

Well done Shanaya.

"I don't know how it happened" I said taking the broken tap and holding it up show him.

He looked at the broken tap and then me, I lowered down my face feeling guilty of everything, when he bursted out laughing.

For a moment I looked at him in disbelief as he was laughing holding his abdomen. His laugh was echoing in the kitchen as I looked at his handsome face.
My lips also curled up in a smile looking at him.

"Never try to give me Surprise again Shanaya" he said between his chuckle, mocking me. And I just rolled down my eyes.

He was laughing looking at me drenched in water, but the moment his eyes traveled to my chest , his laugh died .

I looked down only to see my bra seeing through the t-shirt. My white t-shirt became transparent due to water. The blue bra and my cleavage was clearly visible from outside.

His eyes turned darker as he gulped down, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down.

Despite of being drenched, all of the sudden the temperature raised around me and I started feeling feverish.

"Mmm I should change" I said not looking down as I wasn't able to meet his intense gaze, and turn around to leave.

But couldn't.

Ian's Pov

After being with Shanaya for this short span of time, I realised the real meaning of love. I knew that I was very happy with Hazel and may be our story could be different. Maybe we would be happy together.

Afraid Of love{completed} ....Where stories live. Discover now