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Shanaya's Pov

After my parents departure I directly went to Ian's study room .
He was sitting across the chair lost in his thoughts .

"Is there something wrong Ian , you look quite tensed throughout the dinner" I asked to him sitting at the edge of table infront of him .

He scooted me closer to him , making me  sit on his lap , his face snuggled closer to my neck closing his eyes .

I knew that he was tensed and I waited for him to tell me something.

"Shanaya ,when I found out  that  video was sent by Daniel Smith" he said in raspy voice against my neck and I hummed in response .

"I asked my assistant to collect all evidence against his illegal works so that I could send him behind the bars and this time he wouldn't find any loopholes to come out again" I was listening to him carefully .

"We've handed over all the evidences to police and they were trying to find him , but " he stopped in midway .

"But ?" I asked as I was eager to know .
I definitely didn't want that bastard to flew away without punishment for what he did to me and Ian.

"He tried to escape from the police , but his car got crashed by a truck " he said and my mind instantly disliked the thought of something horrible .

He must have not died , he deserves the punishment but not the death .

"He met a horrible accident and died on the spot " he completed and I exhale a deep breath .

"I just wanted to send him behind the bars for his sins but " he replied rubbing his temple and I understood his situation .

"It's ok Ian ,it was not your fault , he got what he deserved , don't worry about it " I replied holding his hands surpassing the inner turmoil inside .

He remained silent all the day , he was so  worried after that news that it tensed me too. I must have something in past with that Daniel that even his death was distressing us .

In evening to lighten his mood I decided to watch a movie together and instead of his reluctance I pulled him with me .

Both of us sitting on couch , watching movie when I recalled something .

"Ian why did you meet Hazel ?" I asked .

Smile diffused on his lips .

"Are you still suspecting me Mrs Graves " he asked looking at me
" Never " I shook my head " I was just asking out of curiosity " I replied
"Okay " he replied keeping my head on his chest
" Years ago my parents died on that day , so she just came  to meet me  as I was in same town " he replied in low voice ..
I got embarrassed ,Tears started  burning  in my eyes
" I'm  sorry Ian , I didn't know about this , actually I didn't know anything about you I'm really sorry " I said with teary eyes
" It's ok Shanaya it was not your fault , we didn't get enough time to know each other " he replied
" but "
" No buts , now stop crying I don't want my daughter to be a crybaby like you "
he replied placing his hand on my belly
I smiled at him and he smiled back putting my head on his chest ..
" one second who told you this will be a girl " I asked raising a brow
" just my inner conscience " he replied smiling at me
" No way , he will be a boy " I replied
"this will surely be a girl " he replied teasing me
" But I want a boy " I said in annoyed tone
" don't worry , after this we will make another one " he replied tickling me , I giggled .....

    Marriage is not only  about  falling in love with each other it's also about trust and  forgiveness no matter how big the mistake ... Never leave each other❤️...

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