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Chapter dedicated to a sister, thank you for keeping up with all our crazy bs, love you sis, you do so much for just being our friend😭

Rebecca could never understand the standard Vivian and Melione had with men, how could they settle for someone like that? They call it hot, tough and whatever. To her, they were just boys immature enough to fight another because they couldn't talk it out and keep the peace.

Her boyfriend wasn't like that, he talks to her about his feelings, fixes the situation with words and reassurance. She appreciates him so much for that: all his efforts for her.

They were indeed her closest friends- but oh they worried her so much.

She didn't get it, going after boys who would most likely break your heart, all the partying- it's fun but it wasn't something you need to have in your life to enjoy- speaking their minds even if it would get them in trouble or in an argument, and simply doing whatever they wished.

Both of them were so alike. She had similarities with them too, when it comes to hobbies and certain interests. The morals are where it stops.

Rebecca is also aware they didn't only act like that.

They do care, in their own way. They listen to your rants when you're feeling sad or angry, gave good advice, and are very supportive of everything.

Vivian would defend your name when you weren't around with no hesitation.
Melione would tell you her honest opinion and wouldn't lie to you.

But their preference of life style... All it does was make drama and she had enough of it. She left that life in high-school.

"Hey Becca, so uh, you won't really be happy with this but Melione and Karson are back together," -Vivian told her across the phone- "I don't really know what happened 'coz I went out to buy some paint and he was there,"

Things like these, worry her. She does not want any of them hurt, and Karson hurt her, she didn't want that. "What? Is she serious? But they broke up last night."

"I know,"

"...what do you think about it?"

"He hurt her but, they made up so I don't think it matters anymore?"

"Of course it still matters, he hurt her, saying sorry alone doesn't cut it,"

"Ahh, that came out wrong, I mean of course he can't keep hurting her and come back thinking she'll go back to him just like that-"

"Which she did,"

"Yes... Which she did for some reason..."

A long sigh came from her, "this isn't the first time they broke up and got back together,"

"I know..."


Rebecca felt like she should say something to her, that's what Melione would've done if she were in her shoes.

She contemplated it, staring at the call button on her phone. Vivian advised her not to spend time dwelling on it, that things like these happen in relationships, and how it's normal.

Maybe she was right, except she strongly felt to disagree with what she said. The definition on love has been ruined in the mindset of today's world.

You can't just promise to someone you love them and then leave them later on. If you truly love him/her, you would never leave no matter how many reasons there are to give up, the reason alone that you promise to love them should be enough to stay.

"I love you" isn't temporary, it shouldn't be.

Isn't perfect either, every couple disagrees at some point but the ones that last are the ones that put in the effort to compromise and fix the problem. Love is when you're willing to stand by them even through the worst of times.

Maybe it's all in the wrong timing or the distance, which is understandable but you can still make it work if you care enough to make that sacrifice.

It's not normal to have an on-and-off relationship, it's not normal to be with someone who isn't loyal to you, or to be in a relationship with barely any commitment. It's not normal, it's just common and a lot of people can relate to that because sadly, it happens everywhere nowadays.

To Rebecca, love isn't a feeling, it's a choice. You choose to stay, to go through it all with them, to choose that person over and over, everyday.

She ranted to Nicolas and Micheal about this, and asked Avery if she should at least try to convince Melione.

They agreed she should try, though Micheal warned it might be useless.

So Rebecca pressed the call button and waited for her to pick up, and she explained her thoughts about it.

"-It happened so fast, it's not like we were fighting before it," Melione protested. "It was a misunderstanding."

"Yes but, you guys broke up so much times already,"

Melione threw her own words back at her, "And you just said if it's love, you'd try no matter what."

"I know what I said, but have you asked yourself if he was just playing with your feelings? and if he doesn't really mean it? He isn't that consistent about it,"

"Look, we're back together and we aren't fighting about anything anymore.

"For now?"

"Reb," Melione's tone sounded annoyed. "It was a misunderstanding, and if he broke up with me because he was going through something then it's not my right to force him into telling me right away or not give him some space to deal with it on his own because I don't own him in that way,"

"but if he were to break it off, shouldn't he at least tell you why?"

"He said he did it to protect me from getting hurt or something."

"That doesn't really make sense," Rebecca mumbles.

"I know, it would just make me worry more bla bla, but maybe it wasn't about me and he is going through something."

"Well if it doesn't involve you then why would he break up with you?"

"I. don't. know. It doesn't matter, we're back together."


"How about, we agree we have different views on love." Rebecca felt defeated, Micheal was right it was useless. "I appreciate your concern for me but really, it's fine. I'll be fine."

"Okay... Bye.."


Melione ended the call, leaving Rebecca with a worse feeling than before. Maybe I shouldn't have pushed it, she had a bad feeling that it would take a while before they would be alright again.


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