Halloween night, but I swear it's not cliche-!

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Vivian tried to keep herself standing in the spinning room. It was packed with strangers, all the seats taken by random groups of people, having a good time with their friends. she also has a group of friends, but they aren't very fond in partaking in activities that don't involve sober minds.

Tonight, the local club had gotten a new sound system. The beats seemingly emerged around and bellow her, the gratifying feeling of the music muffling the voices around the world and those trapped in her head.

For now, she was just another soul in a crowded place, drinking away what's left of the halloween hours.

Or was it already morning..?

Vivian moved along with the beat. Now THIS is a good night, until she felt a hand pull her out of the crowd right after the music timed out, she stumbles dizzily into the arms of a shorter being.

"Viviannn, let's get you back home," shouted a voice to her ear.

"But WHY?"-Vivian points at the small stage over the sea of people- "we haven't heard this DJ play yet!"

"Viv, there are a lot of DJ's you haven't heard play."

Though Melione, her closest friend and roommate, had a point, the night was just getting better and she didn't want to leave yet. She didn't have to drink much to get tipsy, others make fun of being a 'light weight' but for Vivian, she wasn't after how much drinks she could take, it's how drunk you can get. She just likes the feeling of setting her impulse control free.

"Yes, but I'm nOt that drunk yet," She protested, even though the only reason she kept her balance (-ish) was because of the support of her friend.

"Yes, but Karson is"

The music was building up again, the beats piling up on one another with a constant rhythm. They reached their three seated table, and Melione walked over to the boy who had his head on the table. "Bitch, get up we're going back to the house!"


"get. up."

after the struggle of dragging both a very drunk Karson and a very stubborn Vivian out of the club (Melione had to grab a a glass of beer away from Vivian like 3 times before she helped her get Karson to stand up), the trio walked back to a small house where Vivian And Melione rented out for college.

They clumsily walked over the side of the pavement, "We haveeee to do that again next weekend!" 

"you know Viv, you might have a drinking problem." Said Melione while letting go of her heavy boyfriend.

"If she has a drinking problem," Karson twirled around a lamp post, "then what dohave?"

Vivian starts clapping "SomebOdy come git her she'z dancin' liek a striiiiper" She screeched out, interrupting the peaceful village.

"Shhhhhhh" Melione starts laughing, and Karson starts dancing. "I swearrr we're going to get scolded,"


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