part one

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It was a cold Sunday night and the yelling of my dad woke me up from my sleep it was unusual cause he doesn't actually stay over night and I went out of room and went upstairs I leaned my ear on the door but couldn't hear what they were discussing and I heard a scream and I opened the door it was my mum she was just thrown across the room and I ran over to her and helped her up on the chair that was behind her and I turned back to my dad and started yelling at him

"You are her husband and you got married to her you made vows to keep her safe and not hurt her and now you are hurting her don't you know it is illegal to hurt your wife you really need to go learn how to be a man cause only a beast behave the way you do"

And he yelled back "are you going to teach me how to be a man, no you won't"

And he dragged me by my shirt and locked me in the the toilet and I banged the door many times and then I heard the noise of glass breaking and a scream and I knocked and I knocked the door one more time and it bugged but I was too late,he was gone so was the broken glass and I went to her and helped her on the bed and I ran down stairs and used the home line and called 911

911: Hello this is 911 what is your emergency
Me: Hello it's my mum she is hurt
911: Ok son can you tell us your location
Me: it's 57 black street
911: don't panic we are on our way

And I cut the call I ran back upstairs and sat beside my mum
Me: mum when the ambulance get here am gonna tell them what he did to you and he will be punished
Mum: shhhh don't say that Darrien you won't tell anyone
Me: But he hurt you and that's illegal
Mum: I know but you can't tell anyone what happened this night ever
Me: but
Mum: No Darrien now promise me you won't
Me: yes mum I got that
And I helped her lay on the bed and I sat beside her rubbing my hands through her hair and I fell asleep

Hey guys it's me again I just wanna say vote follow and comment 😘😘

I'm actakly changing the plot of the book so don't be discouraged keep reading

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