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I was in my mum's room whem I found the gift I gave my mum on her birthday last year. It was a locket I spent a lot of my saving on.

I opened up the locket and I saw a picture of my Mum on one side, and on the other side was a picture if him. Seeing his face kindled the anger I had inside. For my Mum letting him go and for him doing what he did to her. I tried yanking his picture out, but I broke the locket into two halves in the process. Little droplets of blood fell from my hands as I shredded his picture into pieces.

" Hey Darrien" Carrie called " Hey why did you break it" she asked running to my side to pick the locket up, she must have seen it on Mum's neck to know it was hers
"Cause his picture was in it" I said gritting my teeth together
"But you gave it to your mum right,and she loved it. Don't you think she would be sad that you broke it" she asked
"She made me sad really sad but she didn't care to come back" I said
"Darrien it's not her choice to make, she can't come back" Carrel said rubbing my back
"Then she can talk to me at least, but she doesn't care about me, she only care about herself" I said standing up

I turned to see someone by the door, I had never seen her before
"Who are you I asked" wondering what she was doing in the house
" Darrien am Nona,your aunt" she said smiling at me a little. Her eyes were moist, proof that she has been crying
"I don't have an aunt, mummy said she has no sisters" I stated not believing her
"Am sure she said so, Ashley was always like that, but it's true I'm actually your Aunt and I'm here to take care of you" she says
"Why?" I ask
" Believing it or not, your mum actually told me to, I was called that night by the hospital, they said your mum asked me to come over and stay with you while she can't, she knew you wouldn't believe me, and so she told me something that would make you believe me" she said before walking close to me and whispering in my ear, the one word I never thought I would hear again.
I was so shocked to hear it from her, but somehow, I didn't believe her.

I covered my head with the hood of my shirt, picked up the locket pieces and took it to my room. I locked the door behind me and searched for my glue, I was able to fix the locket and I hanged it beside her picture in my room

"Darrien open the window" Carrel called from the balcony between our rooms
I walked over to the window and pulled it open and stepped back for her to climb in.
" Darrien is she actually telling the truth?" She asked when she was on my bed
Yes I did she is my aunt Nona
You have an aunt I taught your mum said she didn't have a sister
I also did but she does

I walked over to my desk and cleaned my palm with a paper and drew the locket how I imagined it, how it originally looked when it bounced around on Mum's neck while she moved
'God why, why did you take my mum from me, you say you love me but ten you leave me alone with no one. You take away my mum, the only person that truly shows her love for me ' I sobbed , ' it's all your fault and I would never talk you you again, I'll forget that you are my friend, forever!'

Hey guys
Editing int way at alll
I thank God for the insight
Let pray Darrien gets his insight from God as well

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