𝚐𝚒𝚛𝚕𝚏𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚍? 𝚗𝚘, 𝚏𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚍

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The usual Lev screams, Yaku's whining, Kuroo's stupid hyena laugh and so on and so forth, Kenma was casually playing on Neko Atsume when suddenly, a message notification popped up. It was from you. The pudding's recent chats and conversations online had been with you.

What amused Kenma was the fact that he had not blocked you yet. Normally, once he had made an acquaintance online, he would block them sooner or later as they would come off as skeptical and weird. However, with you, he always felt like you reminded him of something. Like deja vu.

It had been 2 weeks since you and Kenma had met and became online game buddies and pals. He was contented to have a friend who shared the same interests and liked the same games he played. It made him feel less lonely.


Rin: what r u up to?

Kenma: im hanging out with my team

Rin: ooooo
Rin: im hanging out with my friends but theyre talking about their love interests and i dont really have one 😭😭😭

Kenma: i honestly thought u would be the type to simp over anyone
Kenma: but wow u actually dont have a love interest

Rin: shutup 😡😡😡😡
Rin: well do u have one?

Kenma thought for awhile. He had never taken any interest in anyone but lately, he had been feeling things that he could not quite put a finger on. It all started ever since he found your instagram profile and looked at one of your posts.

Kenma: no

Rin: u took like 2 minutes to think
Rin: r u sure about that? ;))))

Kenma: yes ive never taken any interest in anyone before
Kenma: i was dealing with my idiot teammates thats why i took awhile to reply

No, he was contemplating on what to say

Rin: alright then
Rin: if u say so

Kenma: what are u doing with ur friends?

Rin: we're just doing some cafe hopping
Rin: wbu?

Kenma: well we just got some snacks
Kenma: now we r heading over to one of my teammate's house

Rin: wowwwww
Rin: what time do u think ure gonna get home?

Kenma: im not too sure
Kenma: judging that my idiot captain is here
Kenma: hes most likely gonna make me stay until pretty late at night

Rin: wow
Rin: i might leave pretty late too 😭😭

Kenma: bless u

Rin: why thank u


"Kenma-san, are you texting your girlfriend?" The silver haired middle blocker asked with a giant smile on his face as he trudged to Kenma's side.

"Shut up, Lev. And no, I'm not texting my girlfriend. I don't even have one. I'm texting a friend," Kenma corrected the middle blocker with a glare and brought his phone closer in an attempt to hide the screen from the curious cat.

"Aw, is she cute though? I'd love to meet your friend some day!" Lev chirped with a bright giggle. Kenma picked up his pace and proceeded to walk ahead in order to avoid getting into Lev's stupid antics.

"In all seriousness though, Kenma, are you sure the person you're texting is just a friend?" Yaku asked the pudding.

"No, she's just a friend. Why are y'all so curious about her?" Kenma asked with a slight hint of annoyance in his tone.

"Well lately, you've been messaging someone a lot and you always have that happy look on your face. It must be a cute girl or something because you never smile whenever you text someone aside from Hinata," Kuroo explained.

"I do not smile," Kenma retorted.
"Yes you do," Kuroo shot back.
"No I don't"
"Yes you do"

"Guys, shut up," Yaku scolded.

"Gomen," the bedheaded captain and pudding apologised in unison.


Kenma: sorry where were we

Rin: eh we didnt start on any topics HAHAHA
Rin: where did u go tho?

Kenma: my teammates were being annoying

Rin: wow u must be really anti social
Rin: im honored that i get offered priority over them when uve only known me for 2 weeks

Kenma: shut up

Rin: hehe
Rin: well i gotta go now, my friends are calling for me
Rin: let's talk later

Kenma: alright then

Rin: goodbye :)

Kenma: byeee

I keep making the mistake of turning my italics and bold of when i type the author note HAHAH
Ohwell, force of habit 😭
I hope u all are doing well sugfudhd
Take caree the virus still exists !
Vote n comment
Love yall <3

𝐜𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞? 𝐢 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐧𝐨𝐭 || Kenma.k ffWhere stories live. Discover now