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"Get the last one! Rin!" Emi shouted as she received the ball back up into the air. As the ball descended, you jumped high up into the air and spiked the ball into the other court, making sure no one from the opposing team could put the ball back into the air. The ball then landed on the floor with a loud thud, followed by the sound of a whistle that signalled another point to the owl team. There was a moment of silence as you and your teammates looked at each other in shock, unable to process the current events.

"Let's gooo!" All of you shouted in unison as you came into a group hug. A huge roar of cheers came from the audience. The Fukurodani female team won the match.

The two teams then went for a small break to cool down and reflect. The Fukurodani team went through a debrief from the coach before being released to cool down and roam around the area.

"We should go watch the boys' team! Who's coming?" Emi suggested, raising up her hand. Yoko and you looked at each other with then nodded and decided to follow Emi while the others decided to take a rest at the benches as they wanted to rest instead.

"Give my wishes to them!" Yume said as she patted the three of you on the back and waved. Emi smiled and held up a thumbs up and the three of you proceeded to the other gym where the male Fukurodani team were having their match.


"There's quite a crowd here," Emi commented as she observed the spectators. The three of you were at the balcony, observing the whole court.

"Woo Akaashi-kun!" Yoko cheered. Fukurodani seemed to be in the lead.

"I've heard a lot about this school... Nekoma huh?" Emi said as she observed the opponent team. Your ears perked up as you heard the very familiar name, Nekoma.

"N-nekoma?!" You stuttered out loud as you looked at the scoreboard. Indeed, Fukurodani's male team was playing against the school you dreaded to see the most today, Nekoma.

"Rin, are you okay?" Yoko asked as she examined your nervous lip biting and wandering eyes around the gym.

"K-kenma... he might be here..." You muttered, slowly turning your head towards your friends. Not having spoken to the pudding setter for a few days, you had forgotten that his team were here for the spring interhigh too.

"What?!" Emi and Yoko both shouted in unison. There was yet another point scored for the Fukurodani male team. Since Emi and Yoko were your close friends, they knew about the recent incident with you and Kenma.

"Well... you still have time to hide somewhere you know... I doubt they would be wandering around a lot especially since it's crowded so you won't be spotted very easily," Emi concluded as she pointed to the big audience. She had a point. There is a very low of probability of Kenma spotting you from afar due to the huge crowd of people.

You let out a sigh of relief as you realised this and started fiddling with your fingers. As you cracked your knuckles you saw your red string and got reminded about why your whole online friendship ended with the blonde haired setter.

Then, the string glowed an even more vibrant and brighter red. It was just like that one time when you exited the mall after passing Akinori his wallet. Slowly, you looked up at where string led to, to see that it was in fact, connected to someone's elses pinky.

Long pudding dyed blonde hair. You widened your eyes in shock. There was no mistaking it. You recognised that face because of the updates from his account. You would secretly admire his face through his tagged posts before you had blocked him. It was definitely him.

"Kenma..." you murmured with wide eyes and mouth agape.

HI im so sorry for the long update but yeahh
I might start a one shot book and write whenever i can
Im not as free as usual right now because of my exams ;-;
Anyway i hope yall are doing cool owo
Love yall <3
Votes and comments are appreciated :)

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