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Aki-kun ♡

Aki: rinnnnn

Rin: wot

Aki: are u free rn?

Rin: sure

Aki: can u come to [mall name] now?

Rin: whaaattt
Rin: why?

Aki: i forgot my wallet 😭😭😭

Rin: brO

Aki: hi

Rin: ure annoying

Aki: i love you ❤

Rin: go away
Rin: baka

Aki: ok but seriously tho


Aki: orite see u then ❤


You groaned as you got up and got ready to go and deliver the wallet to your annoying brother. You went to get the wallet and put on your shoes before exiting the house.


"Ah, Rin!" Your brother called out as he waved to you. With a glare, you came up towards the narrow eyed boy and slapped the wallet on his chest.

"Be more responsible next time!" You chided, holding up your other fist as a threat. Aki cried in pained and apologised profusely while you scoffed.

"Ah, Akaashi-kun, Bokuto-san!" You greeted the other two.

"Hi Rin-chan! Wanna join us? We're hanging out with another two people from Nekoma," Bokuto said, taking a sip from his strawberry smoothie.

"Ah, it's okay. I wanna rest at home. Thanks for asking, though," you politely declined with a smile. Bokuto pouted but cheered up immediately after Akaashi pulled another one of his "cheer up Bokuto" tricks.

"Well, I'll be going now. Have a great day!" You greeted the other two. "Don't you even think of disrupting my day again," you scowled at your brother with a livid glare and completely changed your scary demeanor as you walked away, leaving the Konoha male in fear.

As you walked out of the mall you took a look at your phone to check the time as the wind breezed. You smiled as you looked at the clear sky and looked at your red string.

Then, something peculiar happened.

The red string then started glowing for a moment. However, once you blinked it stopped. You observed the string that laid on the floor.

What just happened?

Questions started to flood your mind as you stared at the string that was on your pinky. When the wind blew again, you were snapped back into reality.

Maybe it was just me. But I could've sworn I saw the string move for a bit.

You shook your head and decided to journey back home. You had other things to worry about. But, of course, this will stay in the back of your head.

Im so sorry
Im so inactive hahahaha
Ok anyways
I hope u all are holding up well ♡
Pls vote n comment <3
Love yalll :)

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