𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚎𝚕𝚜𝚎

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Rin: heyyy

Kenma: yoo

Rin: wassup

Kenma: nothin much

Rin: are u down to call?

Kenma: suree

Bold — kenma
Italics — rin
Underline — action



Nervous chuckle
"This is our second time calling..."

"Yeah, it is..."

"What are you doing now?"

"Talking to you"

"Damn, no shit"

"Well then... what about you?"

"Nothing, really"

"Ah... okay then..."

"Well, actually, I'm kind of studying right now sooo..."

"And you're calling me..."
"Am I not a distraction...?"

"Nahhh it's fine"
"I just want someone to accompany me in this battle"

"What subject are you studying for?"

You flip to the next page with a visible pout

"The only reason why you suck at science is probably because you don't listen"
"Unless you're just really dumb"

"Oh shut up"
"My teacher is boring okay?"
"I've finished reading quite a few books in her class"

"You read...?"

"Yes, got a problem with that?"

"You probably read like wattpad or AO3..."

"No, I read harry potter, percy jackson and so much more"
"Though I do read fanfics from time to time..."


"What school are you from?"

"Since I know you are a girl and you aren't some 60 year old hag trying to harm me..."

"I recall my brother's friends hanging out with some people from Nekoma"

"I was hanging out with a group of people from Fukurodani too"

"Big coincidence"

"I guess..."

"Have you experienced anything weird with your string?"

"Not too long ago... my string glowed out of nowhere when I was out"

"Woah what"

"Did you perhaps see any signs of the string that might say your soulmate is near you?"


"Well that must mean our soulmates are near us..."


Awkward silence

"Do you think a person could love someone else who isn't their soulmate?"

"I'm not sure"
"I think it's possible but"
"I feel like there's a low chance of that possibility"

"I see..."
"Then... hoped you ever hope that a certain person was your soulmate?"



"Who's this person...?"

"Someone I'm very close to"

"How's he like?"

"He's wise, smart and cares for others. He's talanted and amazing too..."

"I see..."
"Anyways... I gotta go..."
"Kuroo is calling me to go out and I have to accept it..."
"If not I would get my switch confiscated..."

"Ah right..."



Call ended

You sighed as you put your phone down and rested your head on you personal desk. "He already likes someone else..." you said to yourself in disappointment.


As Kenma placed his phone down, he sat back on his chair and let out a sigh. "Game over... I guess..." he mumbled as he closed his eyes.

𝐜𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞? 𝐢 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐧𝐨𝐭 || Kenma.k ffWhere stories live. Discover now