Chapter 2: Flashbacks

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(Sydney's POV)

I love Amani, she is my closest friend other than my panda Maya, and no Maya is not a real panda, she is a human! But anyways, other than Maya, Amani is my bestest friend ever! We tell each other EVERYTHING!!! And I know we do because we are the only two people who know that we are best friends with Digg&Jacob. To the rest of the world I'm known as Jacob Latimore's "mystery girl," and Amani is just known as Diggy's "assistant" but really his "secret girlfriend," if the world only knew the truth... then everyone would just stop hating on us for no reason. But ever since the night that I met Jacob, I've been used to all the hate and criticism. I still remember that crazy day. Five yrs ago, Amani just asked me if I wanted to spend the Summer with her and I said yeah, she told my mom what we were doing but didn't tell me! And surprisingly, my mom agreed to it!! All I knew was that we were spending the summer with her "Jacobooboo" and "Daniboo", but the next month, I knew exactly what she was talking about! We were getting off the private jet (ahhh!) And there he was, standing next to Diggy, Jacob Latimore. In a soft blue T-shirt , dark wash jean shorts, and low-top white converse. I was just standing there with my mouth wide open looking like a duck, but because of Amani's dumb ass, she tapped my chin and told me, "Close ur mouth before the flies fly in." I wanted to slap the mess out of her, but if it wasn't for her I would have never had the best summers of my life! But that night we were at a party on Diddy's yacht for Justin Combs' birthday and I guess someone spiked the drinks because that night, I lost it.....when I told Mani the next day, all she did was laugh and say she knew it was going to happen, that chick knows me to well! But me and Jacob talked about it that next morning and we tried to stop doing it, but we just couldn' now here we are the two bffs talking about how effed up our lives are, but not wanting to leave because of love. "Well, I'm going to go put my stuff up in my "new room" and go for a walk, I'll be back in 30mins ok? What are you going to do?" Mani asked me as she packed up her stuff. "I'm just going to hang out here, maybe go down to your room and hang with Digg. And Phineas, be careful okay?! Please?!" I begged her as we walked to the door. "Don't worry, you know if I have another panic attack I'll call you before I do anything my love!" She reassured me, hopefully.... "Ok, I'll see you later Phineas, love you!" I closed the door and went to put on some clothes, I needed to exchange some words with this red negro! I go in my room and here Jacob singing You Come 1st, Just The Way You Are, and Call Me Maybe. This dude really needs to get checked......and I threw on a pink bandeau, white shorts, and some socks. There was no reason to get dressed for this guy.....I get down there and bang on the door and he answers in just a towel....whoah! "Can I help you Ophelia??" He asked with a smirk on his face. "Don't look at me like that! I don't like you right now......and let me in this room, since u kidnapped my bestfriend and made her stay in here!" I told him as I pushed him aside and came in the room and sat on the couch. "Oooooh, someone is feisty today, what you didn't get ur way last night? I know I did!" "I told u don't play with me. And of course I did, I always do. And I KNOW u didn't get anything from my best friend! She tells me everything!!" "Oh yeah, how do you know?! There could be some things she DOESN'T tell you!!" He yelled at me getting mad. "Trust me, she tells me EVERYTHING....." I said shaking my head. "Oh yeah, like what??" "Well......" I said thinking about that day, one of the saddest, yet happiest days of my life, the day I almost lost my best friens to suicide because of bullying and loneliness. This was six yrs ago when we were just getting to know each other as friends and she invited me to spend the night over her house while her parents were gone. I had to go to the bathroom really bad and she had the doors closed but no answer so I went in and saw her with a bottle of pills in her hand and I just stood there trying to figure out what she was doing when it clicked.....she was trying to commit suicide!! I then attacked her and screamed DON'T DO IT!!!!! And we were fighting over the bottle on the floor until I finally got it and flushed it down the toilet. And she just sat there crying, I asked her why and she just spilled everything to me except the part about Digg and Jacob....and ever since then we've been the best of sisters and friends and have NEVER kept anything from each other! "Just stuff that you don't need to know about!" I told him not knowing what to say. "My point exactly!! So, why did u come down here??" "I wanted to talk to you about Amani..." "Wha- What about her?!" He asked nervously fidgeting around everywhere. "Well, I wanted to know why u keep treating Amani like bull and leading her on??" I asked keeping my voice low. "I don't lead her on! We're just friends and everyone knows that!" He said getting mad. "What do u mean ur just friends and ur not leading het on you ass wipe!!! You're fucking telling her to stay in your room but u say ur just friends!! Shit doesn't work like that! Amani can do SOOOO much better than you!! But u wanna know why she doesn't leave you?! Because she loves you!! She doesn't want to leave your dumb ass in the dirt because you know u can't function without her!!!!! Do u know how much it hurt her when u told her that u were happy as just friends?! It hurt her a lot!!! But u know what, I'm done with you!! I hope she leaves ur ass one day you stupid bastard!!!" I screamed at him and then stormed away.....I needed to go before I beat his ass.

(Zonnique's POV)

Why did this chick have to moan and scream SOOOO loud?! Some of us need beauty sleep. But with them in their room taking care of their business, that only meant one thing.......that jank skank was in HIS room. My boo, my crush, my love, my man! Diggy.....and it didn't help that Bahja was complaining the entire night about how she should be in Sydney's spot! It's not fair though, we've known both of them much longer than both of them! Ever since I was five and Digg was six, I've always had the biggest crush on him, but I was never able to tell him because we were best friends and I didn't want to mess that up. And then SHE came in the picture, Amani.....and ever since then, I've just been the other best friend hearin "Amani did this, Amani said that, Amani wore this, Amani ate that!" I'm sick and tired of hearing about Amani!!! Does he ever say this or that about Zonnique?! No!! And I need to find a way to change that! "I don't see what he sees in Sydney, she isn't even pretty! She looks like an effing troll!" Bahja complained as she curled her bright pink hair. Now she LOVED her some Jacob, she was just always rude and quiet around him because of what he did to her. Now that was an evil thing to do! He stole her virginity in a one night stand. And he was going to start dating her until Sydney came along the next day and ruined it!! And now she's is new favorite girl when she KNOWS she stole my best friend's spot!!! "Well maybe he likes the ugly girls with no style and no body!!" I tried reassuring her, even though we know that's a lie.....Sydney was GORGEOUS!!!!! And it wasn't even fair. "Oh my God!!!!! Do we HAVE to talk about Sydney, Amani, J, and Digg EVERYDAY?!?! You guys AREN'T dating them so it shouldn't matter!! They have every right to do what they want with them, just like y'all do, but y'all just don't want to!! And you guys need to stop hating on Syd and Amani, because they're really cool and down to earth and nice and kind and sweet and funny and just AMAZING!!!! And they have more to talk about than y'all have lately!! Now if you excuse me, I'm going to go out and enjoy the beautiful Venice beach weather and have breakfast with Amani!" Breauna said as she picked up her Louis and walked out the door, we'll discuss this later..... "Well then, that was weird! But we need to forreal do sumthing to get our men back! But what should we do?!" Bahja asked me as I tried to think of a plan... "Well we can dress in less clothes and spend time with them in the studio! Just the four of us! ;)" I suggested pulling out a cheetah print bandeau and black spanks. "That is NOT wat ur wearing today to rehearsal!!! TI will kill you!!" Bahja yelled as me as I got ready for my shower. "Maybe, and I'll only die if I get caught... ;)" I said as I sashayed to the is going to be pretty interesting! :)

(Breauna's POV)

I'm getting so sick and tired of hearing about the same people every day! Why are those four ppl the only people that Bahja and Nique talk about all day every day?! They used to be so cool and fun, but now I'm thinking about leaving the group and teaming up with Syd and Ma! They're gorgeous, funny, fun, and love my real hair! Which means no more purple weave! Whoop Whoop! I guess I'll just pitch it to Mani at breaky! "Heeeeeyy gorgeous! When are you gonna show off your pretty real hair for mamma??" Amani asked me as I saw her sitting at our usual table in front of Pink Berry for our routine breakfast and gab session, I love this crazy chick so much! "Haha, that's actually something I wanted to talk to you about love! How would you feel if I quit OMG and me, you, and Sydney formed our own group?!" I asked with excitement and joy twinkling in my eyes. But then I saw it, that look Amani always had in her eyes as she came up with an evil plan. "Hmmmmm, does Zonnique and Pepto Bismol know about this idea?" "No, I came up with this idea on my walk here! Which has really helped out my thighs and toned my butt!" "Haha, that sounds like a really good idea! Because everyone keeps asking us when we're going to start a duo! But we would rather have a group! So I'll tell Sydney and sees what she thinks, but it sounds fun! Haha, u should ditch ur rehearsal and we practice coreography! My friends Abby&Jessica are in town and can help us, come on, it'll be fun!!!" Amani offered me as we ate our yummalicious treat. It did sound like a good idea though.... " Sydney." "Yaaaaaaaayy!! This will be soooo much fun!! *whips out phone* Hello?? Hey platypus! Nuthin much, Bre just came up with the most AMAZING idea ever!!! Oh nothing, just that the three of us should start a group! Noooo, we'll have our real hair and won't look like dancing crayons. And no Nique and ugly won't know about it. Abby and Jessica will be helping us choreograph it booboo. Okay, I'll see you then. Alright, bye. She said she's in!!!" "Ahhhh!!! This will be SOOOOOOOOOOO much fun!! But what song should we do??" I asked Amani as we cheered and screamed. "What about where them boys at?? We could tweak the choreography and make it even better! It will be a lot of fun! And we can go after breakfast!! I promise it will be! And we can go to K Studios!" Amani squealed. I loved when my little Ma got excited! She was so adorks! But always made new schemes that were super fun to watch and be involved in. "Hahahaha, fine! Lets go get our studio clothes boo! But remember, don't tell Nique or Bahja!" And off we went....

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