What in the actual fuck goes on in dogs minds?!?

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okay i don't know if i'm the only one that wonders this but i think i should just throw it out

~ Why do you sniff other dogs asses? You do know what comes out of that thing right? Shit, that's what comes out of there.

~ Why do you go round and round when your about to lay down? Like some times I get confused if i'm about to see my dog lay down , or if it is about doing the hokey pokey...and turning themselves around!!!!!!!!!

~(I don't know if this is just my dog but i'm going to add it anyway) Why do you come to me begging for food when there is a bowl filled with food that you haven't even touched?!?!?!?!?!?

~(Again , don't know if this is just my dog but just going to add it any way) Why is it the older you get you like to sleep with older people even though we're the same age (Not in dog years)??????????



Hope you liked it and all that shit,so if you want i can advertise your books so just message me and i will


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