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^beautiful mwah and also I can't sing Eddie baby rn bc I'm sitting with my family. Songs are weird when you don't sing them and you listen to them instead yk. Well enjoy :)

Stanley soon exits the bathroom, passing Richie on his way. Richie smirks as the boy stares at his feet.

"I got what you usually get Stanley." Eddie smiles as Stanley sits down.

"Imma leave. Bye Annie." "Bye a Rich." Annie stands up as the boy leaves.

Richie squeezes Eddies shoulder before leaving. "Stanley are you- Hey don't touch me!-" Eddie realizes it's Richie and slumps in his seat in embarrassment.

"Stanley are you okay?" Mike squeezes Stanley's arm. "Huh? Yeah I'm fine." He smiles, picking up his fork.

"Stanley your lip." Eddie pulls his face forwards him. "What happened?" "I- uh....Richie happened." Stanley starts to eat the pie.

"Jesus Stan. What about Connor?" "I don't know what I'm gonna tell him." "Well you better think of it quick. He's here." Stanley's eyes widen as Connor walks in.

"Hey babe." He smiles at Stanley stands up, pulling his t-shirt up a bit. "Hi Connor." Stanley smiles kissing his cheek.

"Aw...what happened to your lip?" "I bit it. Probably in my sleep." Stanley's breathing slows as Connor nods his head and sits down, beginning to eat Stanley's food.

"Nooooo. That's mine." The boy groans. "It's mine now." The other one chuckles.

On the other hand the raven haired boy leaves with more hickeys than he had earlier. He smiles to himself. Thinking about both of their reactions.

Small Boy
T: hi
S: what
T: why so cranky
S: personal reasons
T: well I'm your friend why won't you tell me :)
S: who said we were friends?
T: me
S: no
T: fine. Can I get another hint
S: no why do you wanna know who I am so bad?
T: because I rather have my contact name for you be something else than Small Boy
S: how rude. Well yours is Tall One...
T: very descriptive
S: well thank you
T: mOving on. I wanna meet you
S: no. You could easily be like 45 years old.
T: we've already discussed this. I'm 17 not 45
S: not believable but okay.
T: I promise I'm 17 why would I lie?
S: idk to kill me or something
T: with my good looks yes
S: I would say otherwise but okay.
T: you don't even know what I look like.
S: I can imagine what you look like. It's not pretty.
T: I-
S: sorry :) ttyl
T: fine ugh. I'll miss you
S: I won't. :)

Wrong Number// Reddie AUWhere stories live. Discover now