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Stanley and Eddie silently sleep as I continue to drive.

"Richie..." "Yes?" Stanley's voice startles me. "Do you like Eddie?" "Why?" I chuckle as I look into the rearview mirror.

"Wait different Dj even a real person?" "That's not his name...but yes." "You basically described Eddie..." "Mhmm...point proven..."

Stanley sits fully up. "You haven't tried to get his number? You've known him for a pretty long time." "I have Stan...he won't give it to me." Stanley raises his brows to my reply.

"I can give it to you..." "Whatever you're trying to give him...don't." Eddie rubs his eyes gently with his fist, stretching then snatching the hood off of his head.

"Your number..." "Richie no." "You're no fun...I'll ask the others then." "They won't give it to you either." I groan, slouching in my seat.

"Well. We're here." I sigh. Reaching into the bag of candy I feel someone else's hand.

Glancing over Eddie smiles slightly. Once seeing my eyes locking with his, he pulls the hood above his face and tightening the strings.

"What's wrong Eds?" "Nothing," I smirk. "Are you sure?" I murmur in his ear, my voice quiet. He squeals scarcely. "Say Eds?" He pulls his knees up to his chest, trying to cover his face. Stanley snickers in the back.

"Why don't you show me your face?" The car silent beside me chuckling. "Because..." "Because why Eds?" He sighs, pulling the hood down the tiniest bit. "Fine..." his face beet red, his ears too.

"Aw, Eds. You like holding my hand?" He creases his brows, crossing his arms tightly. "No..." "Are you sure?" I kiss his cheek slightly, then grabbing his hand.

Intertwining our hands.

I caress my thumb over his.

He stares at it as I maintain my eyes on the highway. Beverly honks and hauls over. I pull over in front of her. "What's happening?" Eddie grips my hand a little tightly.

Bill swings the door open quickly relaxing beside Stanley. "Bill?" He clasps the boy's face, kissing him passionately. "I'm in love with you Stanley." Bill nods and gets out of the car. I pull off gradually.

"He's in love with me?" Stanley makes a slight lovesick kind of face. (🥴+🥺)

"Do you love him back?" Stanley thinks about it as I slam on the breaks.

"...yes...." he jumps out, the other boy gets out of the car too. Their lips collide quickly. (I imagine they kissed like how Bev and Bill kissed in the first movie)

"That's cute." Eddie smiles, my hand tingles at the contact of ours. "I would love to meet Dj one day..." he looks from the back seat to our hands. "Yeah...I think he would like you a lot." I smile as the two get in the back of our car.

Wrong Number// Reddie AUWhere stories live. Discover now