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He takes a deep breath, before drifting to asleep a few moments later.

"Yeah...he's asleep now. I told him he should take a nap and he listened. That's a first." "You know he never gives attention to anyone right?" Ben questions.

"Seems like he wouldn't." "No. I mean he doesn't ever take anyone's opinion into a suggestion. He must really enjoy your company to fully listen to you." I smile slightly. "Yeah I guess so... well we're almost here. Bye Ben." "Bye"

I hang up and put my phone away, concentrating on the road. Richie sleeping silently. Once pulling at a stoplight I take his glasses off and earbuds out. He must be a heavy sleeper to have his music at full blast.

*At Richie's House*

We pull into the parking spot. "Hey Rich...we're here." His eyes flutter open slowly. "Hmm?" "Come on, let's get out." He nods as I put his glasses on the bridge of his nose.

Grabbing my stuff and the snacks before walking into the house. Richie leans onto me, using his full body weight to walk against me.

"M'tired. I wanna lay down." "You'll feel better later, now that you've napped. Here grab this. And don't eat anything out of there until we eat real food." "Fine." He rubs his eyes as we walk through the door.

"Go sit down." He nods before sitting somewhere. Everyone stares in awe as o oh the candy on the coffee table. Richie snuggles into the corner of the couch before falling asleep once again.

"I told you guys. But you wouldn't believe me." "Bill you owe be five bucks." "Fine." Bill hands Stanley money from his wallet.

Beverly and Mike hand Ben money. "Why d-does he listen to you?
P-please teach me I beg o-of you." "I'm not sure. All I did was tell him to take a nap or something after drinking half of a energy drink." I hold it up and shake it slightly.

"And then he did. Also told him to not eat any type to candy and he listened. Now that I think about it it is weird." "You think?" Stanley chuckles.

Stanley has only known the boy for a couple weeks now and can't stand him fifty percent of the time. More like ninety-nine percent but he's figured out ways to deal with him.

Wrong Number// Reddie AUWhere stories live. Discover now