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(^ how the fuck do you spell 40. Fourty looks right but apparently it's forty)

"Shut up you're gonna wake them up." "Too late. What time is it?" "11:23 am." "Fucking hell." Richie groans, Eddie glances up as his cheeks turn a very bright red.

He realizes Richies shirtless, the two basically cuddling. "Uh...Richie." "Huh?" Richie lets go, rolling over to his other side.

"I hate it here." He silently whispers as he feels Richie's arms go around his waist. "Cuddle with me." Stanley and bill look up at him. Stanley raises his brows as Bill smirks at him.

"Fine." He flips to the two off, laying down with a shirtless Richie once again.

"You're the best Eds." "Not my name" he grumbles. His hand goes up and down Richies back, scratching at it.

"No up...not left. No the other left." Eddie giggles loudly. Stanley points towards Richie, showing how bright his face is.

"Stop cuddling for a second and let's go swim." Beverly chuckles, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"I don't wanna drown again." Richie chuckles. "I'll protect you." Eddie giggles, Richie begins to tickle him. Making the group of five laughs.

"Now get out. Let us change." Three of them leave, leaving the four boys to get changed.

"I call the bathroom first." Eddie jumps up, forgetting his swim trunks once again.

"Watch this." Richie puts his hands behind his head. The other three listen silently.

"Fuck...shit." He whispers. "Richie?!" "Yes, Edward." "Don't call me that...can you hand me my swim trunks?" Stanley chuckles.

"Nope. Come out here and get them." Eddie groans. He walks out with a towel wrapped around his waist. His face a bright red.

Grabbing his swim trunks he quickly walks back into the bathroom.

"Fuck you, Bill." Bill wheezes as he lays on the bed, clutching at his sides.

Wrong Number// Reddie AUWhere stories live. Discover now