Fifty-Two & The End

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"Eds? Wake up..." "Richie I will physically punch you in the face...what?" "Come on. Let's go on an adventure."

"I don't wanna. What time is it?" "Two in the morning." Freddy groans, turning to face the two.

"Fuck no, Richie." In the dark, he can see how hurt Richie's face is.

"Fine...I just wanted to hang out." "Richie?!" He whispers yells, jumping up to get the boy.

"No Eddie. You don't wanna fucking hang out. Right? Why are you so fucking cranky all of the sudden?"

"Because- never mind. Wait for me in the living room." Richie rolls his eyes before walking away.

He's never rolled his eyes towards Eddie before.

"S-Since I'm up...can we c-come?" Bill whispers, opening his door. "Me too?" Mike chuckles. "Us also..." Beverly and Ben peek their head out from Mike's door.

"The whole gang is here." Richie smiles but doesn't laugh. "Can I get on your back?" "Sure." Richie picks the boy up gently. "Where are we going?" "The quarry."

"Richie, we didn't bring anything." Stanley yawns and he rests on Bill's back.

"Neither did I. We'll be okay." He flatly says. "Are you okay, Rich?" "I'm okay, Eddie. Don't worry."

Eddie? What about Eds or Spaghetti. Or Eduardo?

"Ok..." he whispers before resting his head on the boy's shoulder.

"Thanks, Mike." Freddie chuckles, climbing off of his back.

Richie starts to pull his shirt off. The pale moonlight on his pale skin. Eddie stares for a second before looking away and pulling his own shirt off.

In an instant, Richie jumps. A splash is near followed by loud laughing.

Soon Eddie can hear seven more splashes. "Come on Eddie." Taking a deep breath he jumps. The cold water surprising him.

"I'm tired. What time is it?" "Four...four am." Ben yawns. "We should get going." "Wow. Trash mouth wants to leave?" "Who told you about that nickname?"

Richie grabs Freddie, tickling him as he squeals. His squeals identical to Eddies, of course.

"Come on losers lets get out." Says Beverly who stands at the shore.

Richie grips Freddie's hand, pulling him from the deep end. "Coming?" "That's what she said," Eddie says flatly before walking pass Richie, his arms crossed tightly around his bare chest.

Richie doesn't know if he should smile that Eddie said that, or to frown on how he said it.

"Can someone hand me my glasses. I can't see them." "They're somewhere." Eddies voice quiet and semi harsh.

"Jeez, E-Eddie." Bill chuckles. Eddie flips him off.

"Here." He picks Richie's glasses up and hands them to him. Quickly turning away.

"Fuck no. Come here." He grips Eddies arm tightly. "Let go of me." "Not until you tell me what's wrong." His voice not as happy as usual.

The other six waking away completely.

"I'm okay. Try to get that through your thick skull." Richie gently grabs him by the cheeks, pulling his face towards his own.

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