What a Wife is willing to do

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Sundrop laid on the bed watching the train passing trees and the occasional light post, her jaw radiated with pain and the ice pack sitting on her face was just making her face tingle. Sundrop couldn't stop replaying the scene of Flame holding that mare like she was foal, he was protecting her and Sundrop just stood there. Sundrop rolled onto her back and stared at the ceiling, she started to question everything. Why did that fight start? Was this her fault? Why was Saffron hurting Lavender? Why is Saffron still here? Does Flame really...? Sundrop swallowed a lump of emotions as she rolled back over on her side, she pulled a pillow close to her and tried to hide her face in it.

She desperately tried to keep her emotions in check, she didn't want to cry but she couldn't hold back the tears. She couldn't control her breathing and hushed whimpers and sloppy tears where all she could manage as she cried into the embrace of some pillows. She felt so many emotions but one that shook her to the core was fear, fear of what that mare would do to her husband. Her trail of spiraling downward thoughts were thrown back into reality when she felt someone rubbing her shoulder, rolling over she saw Flames silhouette in the darkness looking down at her.

Sundrop tried to wipe away her tears, but he placed a hand on her cheek and she could feel herself start to melt away. "Why are you crying?" He cooed gently putting his hand under her chin, she couldn't come up with words and all self-control she had on her emotions fell apart, she just cried and hugged him. "I know darling, it's a tough position to be in but, Saffron is just a kid." Flame whispered into Sundrops ear as he sat down beside her and wrapped a wing around her, she just sucked in a breath and tried to respond.

Sundrop took a couple tries, a few croaks and squeaks before she could finally speak again. "Just fire her Flame, she doesn't deserve to be here!" Sundrop pleaded pulling away to look him in the eyes, he lowered his head and she gave him a gentle shake. "I can't Sunny, She just lost her mother. She has no one now." Flame whispered to Sundrop, his words were heavy and he gently pushed one of her stray hairs out of the way.

Sundrop shook her head and Flame sighed. "I'm like a father figure to her, what kind of man would I be if I just threw her out before she was ready?" Flame added, turning his head away, Sundrop just sat there trying to think. She knew what he was trying to say, he's always wanted to help people, especially children. Sundrop loved kids too, they had 3 kids together but losing them was so hard, now they both were stuck being the husks of what they once were. A family.

Just the thought of it made her blood boil, and right then and there Sundrop knew she had to do something about Saffron. This situation wasn't working out and she needed to think of something, and fast. He clearly wasn't going to let Saffron go so easily, he thinks she's an innocent little girl, he has no clue.

Sundrop's eyes searched in the darkness of the room looking for some answers when an idea flickered into her thoughts. It was perfect, so she immediately pushed away from Flame and looked him in the eyes, she knew Saffron was an attempt to fill the hole left in his heart, Sundrop knew what to do.

"I want to have a baby!" Sundrop shrieked as tears welled up in the corners of her eyes, Flame's eyes grew wide and he grabbed her shoulders, as if to make sure she was real. "Are you serious?" He questioned in a hushed tone staring at her intently, she could feel his hands start to shake and she gently nodded. "Seeing Lavender get hurt today, I realized she isn't the little foal running around the castle anymore, she isn't like us." Sundrop whispered as she turned her head and looked out the window, Flame used a hand and gently turned her head back to him.

Sundrop just sighed and looked down to the bed "We're going to out live her and I just...I want a baby. Your baby." Sudrop wrapped a wing around Flame and she could hear his breathing hitch, she could see how glossy his eyes were and Sundrop took a heavy inhale. "I know that we're hurt after what happened." Sundrop paused to rub the scars below Flames eye, he gently closed it and leaned his head into her touch.

She rested her head on his and they had a moment, Sundrop pulled away and put on her best smile. "But that was years ago, I'm ready, I won't let anyone do what they did to Emb-" Sundrop rambled before Flame interrupted her with a kiss, then he placed his forehead on hers and smiled. She felt how happy he was, his hands were holding onto her shoulders tightly and she could see the boyish grin we wore from the light pollution bleeding through the windows.

Sundrop knew he had wanted another child for almost 20 years but after losing her baby, that she had held in her arms and screamed and begged to be spared she couldn't shake the fear, or the guilt. Now sitting on this train looking at her husbands dumb face and his silly smile, she would do anything for him. This was to protect him.

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