Comet Spills the Beans

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Sundrop sat in the quiet train cabin working on her paperwork as it's handed to her, she glanced over it and then scribbled down her name on the bottom before sorting it into a bin. She watched Comet in the corner of her eye and she could tell he was thinking about something, his eyes wandered and on occasion he would pick at his lip with his teeth. "Comet, you seem tense." Sundrop commented as she filed away another paper, Comet sighed as he gave her another paper. She sat back in her chair and watched him process his thoughts, he would open his mouth to say something before quickly closing it again.

Sundrop leaned in and placed a gentle hoof on his shoulder, he finally let out a heavy sigh and sat down on the ground. "It's just, Saffron." Comet shook his head as his eyes scanned the carpet, he quickly looked back up at Sundrop and then his eyes shot back down. "What about her?" Sundrop questioned, Comet sulked a little and Sundrop couldn't help but smile. He reminded her so much of Sunspot, she felt the mother in her trying to cheer him up. "She's trying to sleep with your husband ma'am." Comet sputtered out covering his eyes, Sundrop was taken aback by his sudden confession.

Sundrop wore a look of confusion as she sat back, and thought for a second. "By sleeping you mean, she wants my husband sexually?" Sundrop clarified as her jaw still hung open in utter awe at the idea of the whole situation. "Absolutely. One hundred percent." Comet quickly responded as he set his head on the floor in anguish, Sundrop swallowed hard as her brow furrowed in thought. She knew her husband wouldn't cheat on her, he physically couldn't due to the mark that bound the two together, but then again they were marked when he got married to Emerald and Sundrop just barely got him back after that.

Sundrop shook her head, she knew not to be jealous but the idea of Saffron out of all people. "How do you know." Sundrop asked turning to face him, Comet lifted up his head and Sundrop took in the look of him. His eyes were wide and his face was full of what seemed like fear, and Sundrop knew immediately he was telling the truth. "The way she looks at him, and she basically fights to get close to him." Comet explained as he sat up and tried to organize papers, Sundrop sat back in her chair.

Flame wouldn't do anything, she's far too young for him but that doesn't mean that would stop that girl from going after him. Just like that maid a couple years ago who snuck his way into the bedroom as Sundrop slept, thank god Flame had gotten up in the middle of the night to take a wee. Sundrop eventually decided Saffron couldn't do anything because she wasn't alone with him.

Sundrop smiled to herself as she began to read through the paper before her, but her smile slowly faded as her thoughts backtracked and she realized they ARE alone together. "Oh dear god!" Sundrop howled as she pushed away from her desk, her chair fell to the floor as she quickly scrambled for the door.

Sundrop tried to contain her composure as she opened the door to Flame's train car, the sight before her was Saffron on Flames desk with a stupid grin. Flame on the other hand was madly scribbling away at papers with his brows furrowed, he didn't even look up from his work when Sundrop walked in. Sundrop watched Saffron and waited for her to do her job, addressing Sundrop and courtesy so Flame knew she was there.

But she just smiled at her and leaned back onto Flames desk, Sundrop's jaw tensed up and she walked over to Flame and ran her face against his side, he almost jumped out of his seat but looking down at her he let a chuckle escape his throat. "What are you doing here?" Flame questioned as he resumed his work, his scribbling slowed down and he seemed to be a little more at ease.

Sundrop hummed and her gaze fell on Saffron, if looks could kill Sundrop would be dead, twice. Sundrop rolled her eyes and started to feel something burning in her core, she was almost a year from their hundredth wedding anniversary and she wasn't about to let a little brat get in between them.

An idea suddenly popped into Sundrops thoughts and she couldn't help but grin wildly, She looked over to Saffron who was watching Sundrop intensely. Sundrop just tilted her head with a wicked grin as she climbed into Flame's lap, he hummed at her as she put her front legs over his shoulder and rested her face in the nook of his neck.

Flame put an arm around Sundrop and continued to write with the other hand, Sundrop felt his heart beat on her chest and his steady breathing was relaxing to Sundrop. She sighed contently as she rubbed her face against his scales, he just chuckled. "Don't you have work to do?" Flame asked, rubbing her back, Sundrop just hummed at him and lifted up her head. "I got a head start before we left, but I could leave." Sundrop offered as she started to pull away, but Flame pulled her back into his grasp. "No no, stay. You're warm." Flame sighed happily, Sundrop looked over to Saffron and watched as her ears shot up like a rocket. "Oh your majesty if it's cold I can turn up the heat!" Saffron squealed almost running to the heater but Flame held up a hand and Saffron stopped in her tracks."Leave it at what is. Turn it up too quickly and I'll go into shock." Flame spoke, tapping a pile of papers on the desk and setting them to the side, Saffron sadly walked back to the desk and Sundrop couldn't hold back her smile.

Flame wrapped his arms around her sighed, he sat back in his seat, getting more comfortable. "Taking a break darling?" Sundrop purred, rubbing her face against Flames cheek. "I need one" Flame huffed resting his head atop Sundrop's, Saffron wrinkled her nose and went to organize the papers sitting on the mahogany desk the two sat at.

Sundrop could barely hold back the smile, but she knew how to reel it in and place the final blow. Sundrop opened her wings and covered the two to keep her whisperers private, Flame looked at her with confusion but there was a glint in his eyes. "Flame, let's talk politics." Sundrop whispered, stealing a kiss from him, his eyes grew wide and he broke away from the kiss. "Right now?" Flame asked in a husky whisper, Sundrop grinned and nodded. Flame's breath hitched as he quickly nodded and Sundrop lowered her feathery sound barriers.

"Saffron you're dismissed." Sundrop Purred looking towards her, she gave her a grin and batted her eyes at her. "Oh are you sure, the King does have a lot to do...I think it would be in the best interest to resume work." Saffron insisted, starting to get closer and trying to put papers back on the desk. "Get out Saffron." Flame growled whisking away the papers with a swipe of his arm, Saffron's eyes grew wide as she tried to quickly pick them up. "LEave them and GO!" Flame barked pointing towards the door, Saffron quickly left defeated and Sundrop felt proud of her achievement. Wife 1 Assistant 0.

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