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     Clearing the last rows of trees that separated her from the camp ground Sylvie burst into the camp.

To her shock everyone was still asleep, even Daniel, who she had expected would hear the noise, was still asleep on the tree.

Sylvie could see the choppers now-  looming black figures in the sky, like some sort of harbinger of doom.

She knew that they where they watching the camp from the cockpit.

They were getting close now.

'Wake up!' Sylvie screamed.

She didn't know if it was her screams or the noise accompanying the choppers, but suddenly people were scrambling up from their sleeping bags.

Daniel was climbing down from the tree, a rifle strapped to his back.

'What the heck is going on?' He asked looking up into the sky once he had gotten close to her.

By now every one had woken up and was watching the sky eagerly, like some expectant puppy waiting for a treat.

Sylvie grabbed Daniel's arm.

'We all need to get out of here now,' she pleaded, fear masking her voice.

'Sylvie are you okay? You look pale.'

'We can't be here when they land Daniel, they...'

'Woah, calm down, Sylvie. For all we know it might just be some people who want to get us out of here.'

Why couldn't he understand? If this choppers touched down it was going to be a massacre.

Sylvie looked back into the sky and counted three choppers.

Shit. That was not good.

She didn't know what to do. Her scared brain was failing her. How was she supposed to convince almost a hundred people that the choppers carried a bunch of psychotic muderers.

Jolie, Marilyn and Josh were running in her direction.

'I have a bad feeling about this,' Jolie said once she got to them.

As they watched, people dressed in black combat gears started descending from the choppers on ropes.

Sylvie heart was doing a mad marathon in her chest now.

It was them.

'Run!' she screamed.

Immediately the first guy made contact with the ground, he threw something in the direction of the campers.

There was a flash of light and a deafening explosion.

Sylvie was thrown backwards into a tree. She hit it back first and rolled to the ground, her breath completely knocked out of her.

She was aware of a ringing sound in her ears and her head throbbed painfully.

She tried to get up, felt a sharp pain in her ribs and fell back down.

To her left, she saw one of the men drag a girl towards the choppers which had now descended and was waiting, it's blades turning lazily in the air.

All around her people were running, screaming, fighting back and added to the din was the sound of gunfire.

They were shooting at them.

She felt someone's hands lift her up and she turned and saw Daniel.

She saw Jolie helping Marilyn up from the ground too. It was mayhem all around her. She could barely hear anything above the cacophony of gunfire and screams.

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