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'Run...dogs!' he panted.

Daniel had barely finished when something crashed into one of the campers and sylvie heard a scream the she would never forget.

In the space of a second  the dogs were...everywhere. Biting, killing maiming.

The campers couldn't fight back they had no weapons.

Sylvie jumped down from the stump and scanned the woods for an escape route. She didn't want to belive it but she was afraid, terribly scared.

Everywhere Sylvie turned her eyes to dogs were pouring out of there. It looked like someone from a blood bath scene.

A horrible realization hit her like a brick.

The dogs had circled them, just like they had done to her two days ago.

Sylvie hit the ground and began crawling she needed to find a way out of here.

Close to her a dog had clamped  its jawson a boys neck and another was chewing at at the boys legs. He was barely alive.

Sylvie could have thrown up aside from the fact that the fear and adrenaline rush was preventing her from doing so.

She couldn't die like this, eaten  by savage monsters.

She had always imagined dying in the comfort of her own home with her grandauther's hand wrapped in her frail own.

Suddenly a dog leapt it her path and Sylvie locked eyes directly with it.

Sylvie didn't know what to see in its eyes but a kind of animal madness greeted her back.

These things weren't dogs anymore. Not your peaceful loving and loyal pet.

They were driven by a kind of horrifying bloodlust, they only wanted to kill and that was what sylvie finally registered in the dogs eyes before it started running towards her.

Her brain kickstarted.

Survival was not an option.

The dog had reached her suprisingly fast and was exposing teeth that were stained with blood as it leaped at her.

Sylvie dived to her left and did a little roll landing neatly on her legs.

The dog landed and turned to face sylvie in her new direction, this time studying her with ugly yellow eyes.

Adrenaline was coursing through Sylvie. She heard another scream from somewhere and the unmistakable sound of teeth on flesh filled the air.

The dog was advancing slowly now as  a cat might stalk a rat bedore it struck. Sylvie kept moving back until her heels hit a tree.

She had been conered.

The dog was done studying her it charged again.

Sylvie had a plan but she had to calm the fight or flight response her body was going into.

The dog bounded and leapt syaright for her, hatred and bloodlust in its eyes.



Timing it perfectly sylvie dived out of the way as the dog pushed by it's momentum landed head first at the tree sylvie had her back to.

A sound like snapped bones and the dog went down without a single sound.

Sylvie's heart was doing a mad jig in her chest as she looked around her.
Everyone was dying, if the WEMS didn't finish them the dogs surely would.

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