10: War

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It wasn't a lot of people, but enough to make the former burrow people scream and scatter.

Wolf's brain felt fuzzy, she couldn't make out what was happening, as her vision started to go blurry.

Next thing she knew, she was hitting the ground, then everything went black.


Smoke. Everywhere.

Bodies littered the ground, including Lucas's, Benson's, and Dave's.

The only body that wasn't there was Kipo's.

There were small fires around, but not big enough to make a forest fire.

Wolf looked behind when she heard a snarl.

It was Kipo, but in Mega Jaguar form.

Except, she wasn't exactly the same.

Her eyes were blood red, they seemed to glow when the moonlight hid behind the clouds.

Kipo growled, baring her sharp teeth at Wolf.

"Hey Kipo.. it's gonna be alright.." Wolf tried to reason with her, but it was to late.

The Mega Jaguar lunged for the kill.


Wolf gasped and her eyes shot open, she saw people screaming, some were already dead.

She heard fighting grunts, and lifted her head up when she saw Lucas in front of her, fighting off some of Emilia's people.

She groaned and rubbed her head, wincing and sitting up. Lucas noticed her and he glanced over, once he fought off the last person that was after him, he went over to check on Wolf.

"Are you alright, Wolf?" He asked, with a hint of worry in his blood red eyes.

"I'm fine. How are the others?" She asked, glancing around, hoping to see Kipo.

"Their doing good. Benson and Dave are decent fighters," his face had a smirk, but then went away as he mentioned Kipo, "but Kipo, she's still in shock of Emilia's betrayal. Benson and Dave are defending her."

Wolf grumbled, of course Kipo was still in shock, she was to gullible. But that's what Wolf loves about her.

"Bring me to them." Wolf ordered, standing up.

Lucas nodded and did a motion for Wolf to follow him, and they ran.

Once they got there, Wolf saw Benson and Dave fighting pretty good, but her heart dropped when she saw Kipo, huddled in the corner with a confused and hurt expression, just staring off into space.

Wolf quickly jumped into battle, shoving and stomping on people.

She even kicked some in the face, if they were girls, and some in the balls, if they were boys.

Wolf started to realize that she hasn't seen Emilia for a while, but she soon saw her marching towards them.

She didn't have time to react, and before she knew it, Emilia had her by the arm, and yanked it, throwing Wolf sideways.


She heard a roar, and rubbed her eyes, looking up.

She smirked when she saw the Mega Jaguar chasing Emilia around, stomping on some of her people.

Her three tails were lashing, as she snarled and kept attempting to stomp or whack Emilia.

Wolf realized, that when Emilia had thrown her, it snapped Kipo out from shock, and went to protect her.

Her face heated up, surprised by the loving gesture.

Kipo kicked a tree down, and it landed on Emilia.

When the dust cleared, they all saw a tree and no Emilia. Kipo lifted the tree up with her huge paw, revealing a unconscious Emilia.

Everybody cheered, well, the ones who weren't dead.

Kipo groaned and transformed back into a Jaguar/human hybrid, with a dazed look on her face.

Wolf thought about the visions she had, and realized they probably were fake.


But she was happy, the war was over, and almost everybody was okay and alive.

Though, Kipo did seem extremely tired afterwards, so they all let her rest in what remains of their tent.

But, Wolf wanted to do one more thing.

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