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Ron and Hermione had officially stopped talking to each other. Harry and I were both in the middle but the two of us were too caught up with Quidditch practice.

"Hey Harry, can I show you something?" I asked him on the way to the Quidditch pitch. "Yeah, go on," he encouraged me. I took out my wand. "Expecto Patronum!"

The sliver fox flew around me and Harry and he smiled. "You did it!" Harry cheered. "What is it?"

"A fox," I told him. "Can't wait to see yours, I have to show my da..uh Lupin later."

Harry didn't notice me stuttering. I'm only keeping this to myself because I didn't want to out Lupin as a werewolf. Also, the only person who confirmed it was Sirius.

Damn, I really dug myself a deep grave this year.

I knocked on Lupin's office door for the Patronus lesson. "Ah Joy, do come in," Lupin invited me in.

I wasn't sure whether or not I should reveal that I knew he was my father. I looked on his desk to see the book that I got him for Christmas, bookmarked. He was reading it.

I had a small smile on my face. I performed the Patronus charm and the silver fox pranced around. Lupin looked mesmerised by the fox and I heard him murmur my mother's name. "Well done, Joy! Well done!" Lupin praised me. "What was the memory?"

"Fraid I can't tell you sir," I told him. "It's a secret."

"Not this one?" Lupin raised his eyebrow. "Nope," I popped the p. "Can't tell you, might have to kill you," I chuckled. "Just personal, that's all."


"A Firebolt?!" Katie came over to look at it while I was fixing my helmet. "Yeah, my dad got it for me," I told her.

I mounted my Firebolt for the first time and kicked off from the ground. "Holy...!" I shouted as I zoomed off.

Ron was sitting in the stands. "It's really fast," I laughed. "Well it's called the Firebolt for a reason," Angelina pointed out. She had the Quaffle in her hand. "Okay, we're going to the other end of the pitch and you are going to fly, with this.." she tossed me the quaffle. "We are going to try and stop you from scoring."

She and Katie flew to the other end of the pitch. I gave them a thumbs up, letting them know I was ready. My eyes drifted to the stands, where a black dog was sitting.

Sirius Black, being discreet as always, looking out for both me and Harry.

I flew across the pitch, diving once Katie came for me and swerving around Angelina, I threw the Quaffle through the hoop. I caught it and I let out a cheer.

"Jones, we'll be relying on you," Katie chuckled. The three of us flew down to meet the others. "Harry, have you sorted your Dementor problem?" Wood asked him.

Harry nodded. "If they are there, I'll help too," I reassured him.

"I'm going to stay with Ron," he told me. "I'm going to go ahead," I said.

I walked back to the changing rooms. I looked at my robes, which had my name and the number four.

I walked back to the castle and Sirius was beside me, whining. "What's wrong?" I asked him.

The rat. He's alive.

"Don't do anything stupid," I warned him. "I can do it."

No! I'll find Crookshanks, you focus on winning the match.

Sirius scampered off.


The next morning was crazy. Everyone was gathering around me and Harry. Cedric wished me luck in the match.

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