Chapter One

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"Cheers to an incredible night. I'm so proud of you."

Brittney smiled faintly and accepted the praise from her cousin, Kayla. "Thank you, but I still have a long way to go."

Kayla brushed off the response with a wave of her hand. "Stop putting yourself down. Rejoice in your achievement. Clank Clank bitch."

Brittany tapped her glass of wine against Kayla's. "Clank Clank."

The duo was out celebrating Brittney's acceptance into the psychology graduate program at the University of South Carolina. She withdrew her application for the University of Georgia, where she was supposed to attend with Eric. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade, right? But in her case, she wanted to make lemonade to throw in Eric's face. Since he was the reason her life turned upside down.

Truthfully, Brittney wasn't quite sure what to do with her degree. She chose psychology because she wanted as many classes as possible with her ex. She regretted not going to nursing school like Kayla. Her cousin traveled frequently and decided on the longevity of her contracts. Brittney envied Kayla and wished she had some type of work to keep busy. Plus, she desperately needed the money.

Brittney got an eviction notice from the landlord three weeks after Eric left. Come to find out, he hadn't paid the rent in months. She didn't have the funds to fight Mr. Stevens, so she packed her things and moved from Georgia to South Carolina and in with Kayla. Her cousin wasn't pressuring her to contribute, but Brittney didn't feel comfortable freeloading.

Eric cited irreconcilable differences as the grounds for the divorce. Each party was to keep whatever assets they had before the marriage. Out of spite, Brittney obtained a lawyer and refused his terms. Eric inherited money from his father's will, and it was clear he was worried Brittney was coming after it.

And she was.

Months later, with countless meetings, they couldn't come to a resolution. Brittney's lawyer was taking him to the cleaners; it aided her case that Brittney didn't work for most of their marriage, and she was broke. Eric was worth close to seven figures, while her only assets were her vehicle and a few diamond pieces. When she voiced not having any funds, Eric told her to sell the jewelry because he wasn't giving her any money. Little dick ass.

"Earth to Brittney?"

Brittney snapped out of her thoughts. "Sorry, what did you say?"

"I said, you look tense." Kayla raised her hand for the waitress. "You need another drink; let's get you buzzed and feeling good."

Brittney sighed. "Kayla, this is great. I appreciate you bringing me out to dinner, but I can't accept your gratitude much longer. I'm thinking of going back home."

"To your parent's house? Fuck no. I won't let you. Be positive, where's your Black Girl Magic?"

"I lost it."

"Go find it. You'll get a job soon; you went on a ton of interviews last week. Someone is going to call." The server came, and Kayla ordered another round of drinks. "You're putting too much pressure on yourself," she continued after the blonde left the table.

"I'm almost twenty-three; it's time for me to handle my responsibilities."

Kayla rolled her eyes. "Relax. You're young with plenty of time. Use it to your advantage."

"For what?"

Kayla reached across the table and patted Brittney's hand. "To enjoy yourself and live life to the fullest. Eric was holding you back. It's time to move on and embrace this new adventure you're on."

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