Chapter 3

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Brittney coughed a few times before catching her breath. "Do you always say what comes to your mind?"

Jewel shrugged. "Life is too short to hold anything back. I like being honest."

Brittney observed him call someone over to the table to clean her mess.

"Do you work here?" Brittney noticed the girl refer to Jewel as Mr. Harrison. 

"Yes." He technically did work there. Jewel wanted to get a complete feel for Brittney before he told her about owning the club with his brother. "Where do you work?"

She cringed. "I'm unemployed. You should ask your boss to hire me."

Jewel would hire her in a second if he thought she was serious. There was a twinkle in her eyes, indicating she was kidding. "I can get you an application. Put in a good word for you."

"I wouldn't fit in here. The servers must be part-time models."

"Are you fishing for compliments?"


"Then stop putting yourself down. You have a natural beauty makeup can't produce."

He sounded like Kayla. Her cousin was continuously trying to lift her spirits. She was pondering his words when the girl came back with a bottle for them. She didn't spare a glance towards Brittney but had no problem flirting with Jewel before leaving the table again. He popped the bottle of champagne and poured Brittney a new glass.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

"Why are you interested in me?" she asked bluntly. "You have many options. The waitress is very willing."

"I don't want her. I want you."


Jewel lifted a single brow. "Because I do."

"You don't know me."

He chuckled. "Whose fault is that? Are you like this with all men, or am I special?"

Now she felt horrible. "I apologize. I'm going through a divorce, and I'm taking my anger for my ex out on you. Right now, all men suck in my book."

Jewel got the sense she was older but wouldn't have guessed she was married. He waved off her apology. "Water under the bridge."

"He hurt my heart. It took me a long time to recover from it," she said honestly. "Have you ever been married?"

"No. But I can't understand why a man would let you go. If you were mine, I would keep you forever."

Brittney rolled her eyes. "You're smooth, GQ. What other lines do you have?"

Jewel feigned innocence. "What makes you think I do?"

"I'm sure you have plenty. I wouldn't be surprised if you leave the club with a different woman every night."

Not every night. "Negative. My body is a temple, and I handle it with care."

She pointed at him. "See what I mean. You're full of lines. Give me your best one."

Jewel rarely had to use pickup lines because most women knew him. He liked how Brittney was unfamiliar with his family. It was refreshing.

He cleared his throat and tried to come up with something clever. "Are you a beaver? Cause daaaaaaamn."

Brittney chuckled. "You're ridiculous."

"I wish I were crossed-eyed so I could see you twice." Technically it wasn't his line. He overheard one of his friends use it.

"Oh, the second one was worse."

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