2. Was It Worth It?

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A relentless torrent of waves smashed against the cliffside that held Azkaban prison. The ever-bleak sky offered no hint of time passing; it was black all the time. This darkness stretched its icy, bony claws into the hearts of every person unfortunate enough to find themselves on the desolate island. The soul-sucking Dementors preyed on their victims until they were devoid of happiness, personality, and humanity leaving only a shell, an echo of the person they once were. The ominous and metronomic regularity of water dripping onto the flooring exacerbated Percival's feelings of despair and hopelessness. He felt the water was mocking him, ticking down his Judgement Day, as it resonated throughout the empty cell.

"Percy!" Kendra cried, failing at disguising the crack in her voice as she looked upon a man subjected to the mercy of Azkaban's horrors. Percival turned around and immediately lunged to the bars so the pair could hold each other in their arms. "You look ill" Kendra fretted. Percival's gaunt face meant his hollowed cheeks, heavy bags and pale-hue resembled more of a skull than that of a living man.

Percival paused, "I'm alright. Now. Now, I'm alright" He gripped hold tight and nodded his head several times in an effort to convince himself more than for Kendra's sake.

Kendra pulled away and broke their embrace, "What do I do, Percy?" Kendra pleaded, looking directly at Percival's face as if searching for the answer there.

"Nothing. Let justice take its course" Percival replied, reaching for her hand. Kendra moved her hand away and took a step back.

"Justice?! Fucking justice?! What am I going to do with that?" Kendra threw her hands in the air incredulously.

"Those boys had it coming. We got our justice and now the Wizarding World can get theirs by sending me to my death" Percival wobbled slightly towards the end of the sentence, struggling to feign bravery.

"You can't die. You can't leave me. We were meant to be a team. If you go, I don't know how I would cope. I love you" Kendra sobbed leaving a combination of anger and sadness to create an agonising moment of suffering.

Percival could not seek shelter from the swirling madness plaguing his mind. For the few days (Or was it months? Years? He wasn't sure. The prisoners were not privileged with such a concept as time) his sanity slowly abandoned him. He was utterly shattered but one thing remained unscathed and that was his love for his family; Percival was certain in that, "I love you too." He said, "I love you with all my heart"

"You're going to be made a scapegoat. Everyone is saying that you were pushing some anti-muggle agenda, so the Ministry will kill you to look like they're doing something. I can't even correct them because of Ariana. I have to protect her. She can't go to St Mungo's. I'm sorry"

"Don't you dare apologise for prioritising our daughter. Let people speculate. Ariana will be safe that way" Percival was adamant.

"Ariana would have been safe if her father had just thought things through" Kendra corrected bitterly.

"I did think things through"

"Well not hard enough!" Kendra snapped, her face contorting to an expression of anger.

Percival exhaled and shook his head, "Please Kendra -" He pleaded

"Was it worth it?" Kendra interrupted, "Was attacking those boys worth losing your family over?"

"I was protecting my family" Percival corrected

"Answer the question"

"I don't know. I thought so. Maybe" Percival winced, "It's hard to think about anything in here"

The cell plunged into an eerie silence for a few long seconds before Kendra spoke once more, "Please come back to me. Promise me you'll be back home annoying me with your snoring and the mess you make when you make a cup of tea" Kendra laughed through the tears while silently condemning herself for not taking advantage of all those little moments that had gone and passed by.

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