Chapter 35: They're Here

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The next day at school went by smoothly and was uneventful. I only felt uncomfortable around Mike, and I knew that it wouldn't be long before I made things right. I spent most of the day thinking about the fact that I was going back to the Upside Down with El tonight to fight off the Demogorgons. Even though I knew it would be dangerous, I remained calm. I had control over my powers, and I was ready for whatever was coming my way.

After school, I met with El to take them on. I told my mom that I would be staying late so she wouldn't worry, and I was confident that I was coming back in one piece. When she arrived, she had the same calm, but determined, demeanor. After a couple of moments, she spoke.

"Will," she said calmly. "You don't have to do this. I will be okay."

"No," I responded calmly, but firmly. "I'm with you. I'm ready. Let's do this." She nodded as we made our way inside.

We entered the Upside Down, marching towards the Demogorgons with our heads held high and our eyes glued to their faces. We were headed straight for the war zone, showing no fear. One of them opened its face, but neither of us flinched. Instead, it took a step back, perhaps surprised that we weren't afraid, but then, they all rushed towards us at once.

I was surprised at how they swarmed around us, but I was ready. I stuck out my hand, pushing one of them back into a tree. I then lifted another one, slamming it into the other one that I threw into the tree.

"Will, above you!" El shouted. One of the Demogorgons had leaped into the air with its face open, seconds away from eating me with its large, terrifying face. I got on the ground and quickly rolled outthe way. It looked back at me, opening its face once again and barreling towards me at lightning speed.

"Ahhh!" I screamed as I stretched out my arm, stopping it in its tracks. As I started directly at it, I tilted my head. In a matter of seconds, it dissolved into ashes. I felt blood dripping from my nose, but I didn't even bother wiping it off. There was one more Demogorgon coming for us, and it were bigger and stronger than the ones we fought before.

I would be lying if I said I wasn't a little scared at this point, but I refused to back down. I thought of everything that was at stake here, El, Mike, my closest friends, my family, and the only home I've-ever known. If I failed, not only would I die, but so would everything I've ever known or loved.

Without hesitating, I used my powers on it. To my surprise, it slowed down, but it didn't stop. I put every bit of energy I had in stopping him, but he was too strong for me. I thought I was done for, but instead of eating me, he backhanded me, knocking me to the ground; it felt like I was just hit by a truck. I didn't understand this at the time, but I was not his primary target. He wanted El.

I couldn't let him get to her, so I willed myself up. Getting back to my feet was tougher than I ever thought it would be. My forehead was dripping with blood, and every movement I made hurt worse than I could imagine, but I refused to give up. He was coming towards El, and I didn't even think she would strong enough to stop him by herself.

I willed myself to my feet. I could hardly fine my balance and my vision was blurry, but I knew what I had to do. El was using all of her strength to keep him back, but he was still coming. With all of my energy, I ran to her side and reached out my hand. She was yelling something, but I was so disoriented that I couldn't make out any of what she was saying. I just stayed focused on the Demogorgon and stopping him.

My vision became blurrier, and I was losing all control over my body, but I saw him get slammed down onto the ground. He got up, opened his face, and started walking towards us again briefly before turning around and running away. I wasn't sure at the time, but I swore I could hear a male, adult human voice, but I couldn't make out who it was. Then, the inevitable happened. I blacked out. I could only hold out for so long, and I used every bit of energy I had.

I woke up with my head cradled in Eleven's arms. We were just outside of the Upside. I had no idea if I was out for a couple minutes or several hours.

"Will," she whispered to me.

"Sorry," I said back.

"For what? You saved me"

"I passed out. I couldn't beat him."

"I couldn't beat him, but with your help, we stopped him."

"He's still alive."

"Yes," she responded. I sat up and took a drink of water. My head was throbbing, but I could see and think clearly. "That's not all. Do you feel it."

"Yes," I said back. "There are Demogorgons here in our world. We failed. That's not even the worst part. I think I know where they went." She nodded back to me and looked me in the eye, knowing what I was going to say.

  "They're going for Mike's house."

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