Chapter 41: The Offer

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"You bastard!" I screamed at him. "How could you do this tome, and to everyone around me?"

"It was necessary," he responded in that same calm demeanor. Hiscomposure in this situation angered me even more. How could anyone remain calm in this situation? It felt like I was yelling at a wall."What if I told you that the world needs you? I wasn't doing thisto hurt you or anyone else, but you know as good as anyone that the Upside Down is dangerous, and if it isn't dealt with, it could mean the end of life as we know it."

For the first time since ending up here, I was speechless. I knew that he had control over those creatures, so why would he want them dead? Why did he choose me to help him? I didn't know exactly what he was up to, but I knew I couldn't trust him. I kept my eyes glued to his eyes as he continued to speak to me.

"I know you, perhaps better than you know yourself," he continued. "I know your mother, your sweet mother..."

"Don't talk about her!" I screamed cutting him off.

"And I know you. I know that you're a nice and caring child that would do anything for your friends and family. I know your friends and how much they mean to you. I also know that you have been talking to Eleven, another one of my children; your sister. Most importantly, I know that you have felt like a victim and a burden on others and that you want to be a hero. I can give you everything you've always wanted. Join me, and you'll be the hero you've always wanted to be. You won't be a victim anymore. I promise."

I laid there staring at him. I didn't know what to say. He read me perfectly and was spot on. I thought about denying those claims, but I knew he would see right through me. I'd be lying if I said that I didn't consider his offer. As evil as I had always thought he was,maybe there was a reason behind it, and from a different point of view, he wasn't the bad guy I thought he was. I convinced myself not to buy into anything he was telling me. He was clearly trying to get into my head, but how could he know so much about me, and how could he give me everything I wanted.

"I know this is a lot to take in," he said, breaking the awkward, uncomfortable silence. "I'll give you some time to think about it, but there really is only one good choice. I promise I'm not as bad as you think I am." He left the room, leaving me shocked and actually contemplating what he was going to say. I have no idea how long he was gone before coming back, but sure enough, he did, and he was ready for me to make my decision.

"Number Seven, I have given you time to think about what I said. You're a smart kid, so I trust that you made the right decision. You will join me and help me save everyone. Then, I can let you out, and you can tell me where to find Eleven. We will need her help as well. With you on my side, I know we can convince her to join us. Now, tell me what I already know."

"No," I responded bluntly.

"What?" he responded, looking genuinely shocked.

"N-no," I responded with a sense of fear in my voice.

"That's a shame," he responded, shaking his head. "I was hoping we could do this the easy way, but I guess it's not your style. Help me catch Eleven. Do that, and I might just let you and your worthless friends live." He was showing his true colors now. For a brief moment, I had thought he was genuinely misunderstood and had good intentions, but now, after seeing his reaction, it was clear that he only wanted me for his selfish desires.

"N-no," I responded. I tried to make myself sound firm and tough, but when I said it, I sounded weak and scared. I didn't know how he'd react, but I wouldn't put my friend in any danger.

He scrunched up his face, looking like he was about to scream at me, but he didn't.

  "It's a damn shame," he said while shaking his head. "I guess I'm going to have to resort to some more persuasive methods."

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