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Hey ya'll sorry for the wait, but I've had a tone going on in life including finally getting a job. So yea life's a wee bit crazy. LoveLife and I aren't giving up though. We have this story planned out and mostly typed up, or written down so we will be finishing this have no fear! So now please enjoy the opening to the second installment of Pirates Prize! Siren's Song!

Plaggs POV:

I shivered in the hold, wrapped in the remains of my shirt. I was in a tank. Because Tikki had transformed me before she went over the side, I was now stuck as a Mer. It had been at least three months since that horrible night, and they rarely fed me. Felix had raged and beaten me for the first few weeks, but eventually he'd left me be. We had docked at a port about an hour ago, and the ship was strangely silent. I shivered again, wherever we were the air was cool and the tank wasn't large enough for me to submerge completely. The grate above me allowed the cold air to seep down into the hold and I was completely unable to defend myself against it. Suddenly bootsteps sounded on the deck above me and Felix lifted the grate. The sudden direct sunlight made me squint and I covered my eyes trying to see. The grate closed again and the footsteps came closer, slowly my eyes readjusted to the darkness and I found myself looking straight into the astonished gaze of a man I had never seen before. He leaned forward and poked me. I snarled and lunged toward him, the collar around my neck only just stopping me inches from his throat. He scrambled back his eyes even wider and smiled. It was a horrible smile.

"Well captain Felilx you were right I am impressed."

Felix smiled and his hand lashed out grabbing the chain that connected to my collar yanking me toward him and out of the tank. I writhed on the ground as my scales began to dry, it hurt! I stopped when Felix glared at me and laid still. He'd warned me a few weeks ago that any disobedience on my part would result in very dire consequences. I definitely glared back at him, but stilled. I pulled myself into a sort of sitting position and remained still as the man came closer. He held out a hand to touch me again, but I snarled out a threat.

"Don't touch me or you'll lose your fingers!"

He jerked his hand back and stared at me, his hideous smirk widening.

"It speaks! How fascinating! How much?"

Felix raised an eyebrow before answering.

"You can barely afford ten scales from this prize, I brought you here for a different reason."

The man grumbled, but kept his eyes on Felix waiting for him to continue. Felix smiled, his teeth glinting horribly. He took out a knife and before I could react he slashed a section of skin from my arm. I gritted my teeth and hissed loudly in pain. Felix held the piece of flesh up for the man who stared at it greedily. Felix spoke his voice clear and calm.

"I'm sure you're aware that this particular item is worth more in pieces then as a whole, so in exchange for this section of him I want you to tell those who would be interested what I'm selling that I'm setting up an auction in a week's time."

The man narrowed his eyes, before slowly nodding and he held out his hand. Felix dropped my flesh into his hand and the man's fingers wrapped around it, careful not to lose any of the blood. I'll show this to a few clients of mine, and I'll sell it. While I'm at it I'll do as you've asked and spread the news. With that the man left and Felix dragged me back to the tank, dumping me back inside before making his way up the stairs. I tore what was left of my shirt and wrapped it around my arm. I shivered again and sighed. It seemed that things were far worse than I'd originally thought. Still I was tired and with nothing else to do I fell into an uneasy slumber.

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