Chapter 16

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Nashi's POV
I walk towards Storm and he looks surprised to see me. "Hey Storm what's wrong" I ask. "Wait what are you doing here" he asked. "What do you mean what am I doing here, you're to one who told me to come meet you here" I say. "No I didn't" "Then who did" I ask. Then his face turned dark, "It was probably Rin... that sneaky bastard" he said while holding his fist in the air. I chuckled and said, "Well since we're both already here why don't we take a walk in the park for a bit." "Sounds good to me" said Storm. We then proceeded.

Storms POV
Me and Nashi were walking around the park and then suddenly I noticed a bunch of guys looking at us. At first I didn't really think about it too much because I though it was because they noticed who I was. Then they started whispering and pointing towards Nashi which kinda ticked me off. I looked at Nashi but it looked like she didn't even realize that those guys were there. She saw me staring and asked,"Hey Storm you alright" I didn't say anything back and just walked a little bit closer to the guys, but not so close that they were able to notice me.
Guy 1: Hey bro you see that hot chick over there
Guys 2: You mean the one with pink hair, ya she looks nice you think we have a chance.
Guy 1: Don't know...but she looks like a fool, maybe we can just take her and leave.

Now that's when I started to get really mad. I went up to the two guys and punched them straight in the face. They both gave me a shocked expression while laying on the floor. I was walking away but before they were completely out of my sight I give them a death glare and said, "If you ever even think about doing that to her, you won't live to see tomorrow." But before I could say anything else those cowards took off and ran. I went back to Nashi and saw that she was stunned at what I had done. I quickly took her hand and said, "Come on we're leaving" "To where" she asked and I said "Somewhere far from here" and I started dragging her to who knows where.

Nashi's POV
I was completely shocked at what Storm did. Why did he just go up and punch them I thought does he have some kind of grudge against them. Then he walked towards me, took my arm, and said that we are leaving. After about a few minutes of this I got fed up and told Storm to let go on me. But he didn't and I pulled my hand away from his. "What wrong with you" I ask "Why are you so mad"  "You wanna know why I'm so mad.....I'm mad because those guys had the nerve to try and hit on you". What is he talking about I though, but then I realized that the guys who were "hitting" on me were probably to ones who he punched. "But why does that bother you" I ask " It's because I love you okay" he says "I Storm Fullbuster fell in love with you Nashi Dragneel". I didn't know what to say, and I guess he thought my silence was rejection because he started to walk away. "Wait stop" I said but he didn't and then I yelled, "Storm stop....I love you too". He quickly stopped in his tracks and started to walk towards me. Once we were both face to face he kissed me. At first I was shocked, but then I kissed him back. We both pushed back splitting apart. "So what those this make us" I ask. "I'm not sure" Said Storm. We kinda just stood there awkwardly but then Storm spoke up, "Nashi I know this might be soon but would you please consider being my girlfriend". I turn to him, put my brightest smile and said, "Yes"

And ever since that day my life better than it had been before. When we told Emma, Nova, and the guys they were kinda surprised and kinda not. And don't get me started when my dad and brother found out. They looked like they wanted to kill Storm. But after interrogating him they allowed it. Also the band and I decided to go all around the world to sing, and our ratings have been going sky high. Who would have though that my life would have changed so drastically after bumping into a stranger one night. But not just any stranger.

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